- hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Install packages apt: name: - geany - nfs-common state: latest - name: Enable home directory creation for new users command: pam-auth-update --enable mkhomedir - name: TeXlive apt: name: - texlive-luatex - texlive-latex-recommended - texlive-latex-extra - texlive-extra-utils - texlive-publishers - texlive-lang-english - texlive-lang-german - texlive-pictures - texstudio - texstudio-l10n - name: Add jammy-proposed apt_repository: repo: deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-proposed universe state: present filename: jammy-proposed - name: Avoid normal upgrades from jammy-proposed copy: dest: "/etc/apt/preferences.d/proposed-updates" content: | # Configure apt to allow selective installs of packages from proposed Package: * Pin: release a=jammy-proposed Pin-Priority: 400 - name: Install Bacula File Daemon apt: name: bacula-fd default_release: jammy-proposed - name: Install script for bacula-fd configuration copy: src: bacula-conf.py dest: /usr/local/bin/bacula-conf.py mode: 0700 - name: run configuration for bacula-fd command: /usr/local/bin/bacula-conf.py - name: Restart service bacula-fd service: name: bacula-fd state: restarted