2023-02-14 10:16:31 +01:00

113 lines
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Executable File

\documentclass[10pt,a4paper,DIV=39,headinclude, footinclude]{scrartcl}
\section*{Check list for new members\\Checkliste für neue Mitarbeiter}
\textbf{Name:}& \makebox[6cm]{\hrulefill} \\
\textbf{First day:}& \makebox[6cm]{\hrulefill} \\
& Office
& PC and monitor
& Welcome info
\hfill Signature/Date (Supervisor): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill\newline
& Theory
& Experiment
&& Safety instruction $\textrm{LN}_\textrm{2}$ \hfill Signature/Date (Schmidt, Hartig): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill
&& Safety instruction chemistry lab \hfill Signature/Date (Karbacher): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill
&& Safety instruction PhD workshop \hfill Signature/Date (Hartig): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill
%&& Safety instruction laser lab \hfill Signature/Date (Roth): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill
& Account created
& Account added to FKP mailing list
& Backup setup
\hfill Signature/Date (Kolb/Rosenstihl): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill\newline
& Picture taken for homepage
&& I agree with the use of my portrait picture on the contact homepage of the group. \\ I can at anytime request the removal of aformentioned picture.
&& I do NOT aggree with the use of my picture.
\hfill Signature/Date: \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill\newline
\subsection*{Administrative issues}
& Safety instructions
& Fire safety regulations
\hfill Signature/Date (Secretary): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill\newline
& Keys
& Transponder ID: \raisebox{-3pt}{\scalebox{1.5}[1.8]{$\square$}} \raisebox{-3pt}{\scalebox{1.5}[1.8]{$\square$}}
\raisebox{-3pt}{\scalebox{1.5}[1.8]{$\square$}} \raisebox{-3pt}{\scalebox{1.5}[1.8]{$\square$}}
\raisebox{-3pt}{\scalebox{1.5}[1.8]{$\square$}} \raisebox{-3pt}{\scalebox{1.5}[1.8]{$\square$}}
\raisebox{-3pt}{\scalebox{1.5}[1.8]{$\square$}} \raisebox{-3pt}{\scalebox{1.5}[1.8]{$\square$}}
\hfill Signature/Date (S2 07 Kräckmann, S2 04 Walter): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill\newline
\section*{Check list on leaving\\Checkliste für ausscheidende Mitarbeiter}
\textbf{Last day:}& \makebox[6cm]{\hrulefill} \\
& Samples disposed/handed to supervisor
& Workplace clean
& Drinks bill paid
& Lab book handed over to supervisor
& Tools/materials handed over to supervisor
\hfill Signature/Date (Supervisor): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill\newline
& Data archived
& PC folders cleaned up
\hfill Signature/Date (Supervisor): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill\newline
\subsection*{Administrative issues}
& Keys returned
& Transponder returned
\hfill Signature/Date (S2 07 Kräckmann, S2 04 Walter): \makebox[5cm]{\hrulefill} \hfill\newline