# Anzahl an gleichzeitigen Prozessen MAKEFLAGS+="-j 4" # # Alle Dateien die mit 'agr' enden SRCS=$(wildcard *.agr) # Verzeichnisse fuer PNG und EPS Dateien TDIR=Figures # Generiere Zieldateinamen PNG200=$(patsubst %.agr,$(TDIR)/%_200.png,$(SRCS)) PNG600=$(patsubst %.agr,$(TDIR)/%_600.png,$(SRCS)) PNG2400=$(patsubst %.agr,$(TDIR)/%_2400.png,$(SRCS)) EPS=$(patsubst %.agr,$(TDIR)/%.eps,$(SRCS)) PDF=$(patsubst %.agr,$(TDIR)/%.pdf,$(SRCS)) PDFOPT=$(patsubst %.agr,$(TDIR)/%_opt.pdf,$(SRCS)) PS=$(patsubst %.agr,$(TDIR)/%.ps,$(SRCS)) # Optionen OPAQUE=-pexec 'DEVICE "PNG" OP "transparent:off,compression:9"' #-pexec 'DEVICE "PNG" PAGE SIZE 800, 600' DPI200=-pexec 'DEVICE "PNG" DPI 200' DPI600=-pexec 'DEVICE "PNG" DPI 600' DPI2400=-pexec 'DEVICE "PNG" DPI 2400' # add pngXXX to make png in XXX resolution, available are 200, 600 and 2400 DPI # prepare is always needed! all: prepare pdf @echo Creating figures in "Figures" folder. @echo Use "make" to update figures from updated agr files. @echo Use "make -B" to force regeneration of all figures. clean: @echo Delete files in the "Figures" folder yourself, I won't do it! eps: $(EPS) ps: $(PS) png200: $(PNG200) $(TPNG200) png600: $(PNG600) $(TPNG600) png2400: $(PNG2400) $(TPNG2400) pdf: $(PDF) pdfopt: $(PDFOPT) # Verzeichnis erstellen prepare: $(TDIR) $(TDIR): mkdir -p $@ $(TDIR)/%.ps : %.agr LC_NUMERIC=C xmgrace -hardcopy -printfile $@ $< $(TDIR)/%.eps : %.agr LC_NUMERIC=C xmgrace -hardcopy -hdevice EPS -printfile $@ $< $(TDIR)/%_600.png : %.agr LC_NUMERIC=C xmgrace $(OPAQUE) $(DPI600) -hdevice PNG -hardcopy -printfile $@ $< $(TDIR)/%_200.png : %.agr LC_NUMERIC=C xmgrace $(OPAQUE) $(DPI200) -hdevice PNG -hardcopy -printfile $@ $< $(TDIR)/%_2400.png : %.agr LC_NUMERIC=C xmgrace $(OPAQUE) $(DPI2400) -hdevice PNG -hardcopy -printfile $@ $< $(TDIR)/%.pdf : $(TDIR)/%.ps epstopdf $< $@ # the following are not doing anything useful, used as an example only $(TDIR)/%_opt.pdf : $(TDIR)/%.pdf gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.7 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=$@ $< # epspdf $< # epspdf -b $@ $< # inkscape $@ --export-filename $< #$(TDIR)/%.pdf : $(TDIR)/%.ps # #ps2pdf -dEPSCrop $< $@