Dialog 0 0 416 494 Data interpolation 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 Source data Spline interp_comboBox Qt::Horizontal If your data is on a logarithmic scale in y, check this box use log(y) Cubic Linear Accept to create new data sets. Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok Qt::Horizontal New x axis xaxis_comboBox 0 0 Select sets that shall be interpolated. No selection will create interpolations of all visible sets. 3 0 0 0 0 Start start_lineEdit Stop stop_lineEdit Steps step_lineEdit log-spaced? new values from data Qt::Horizontal Qt::Vertical 20 40 Add interpolated data to dest_combobox use log(x) listWidget ylog_checkBox interp_comboBox xaxis_comboBox start_lineEdit stop_lineEdit step_lineEdit logspace_checkBox graph_combobox set_combobox dest_combobox buttonBox accepted() Dialog accept() 251 490 157 274 buttonBox rejected() Dialog reject() 319 490 286 274