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85 lines
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Example of apodization functions
This file
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nmreval.distributions import ColeDavidson
from nmreval.nmr import Relaxation, RelaxationEvaluation
from nmreval.nmr.coupling import Quadrupolar
from nmreval.utils.constants import kB
# Define temperature range
inv_temp = np.linspace(3, 9, num=30)
temperature = 1000/inv_temp
# spectral density parameter
ea = 0.45
tau = 1e-21 * np.exp(ea / kB / temperature)
gamma_cd = 0.4
# interaction parameter
omega = 2*np.pi*46e6
delta = 120e3
eta = 0
r = Relaxation()
r.set_distribution(ColeDavidson) # the only parameter that set beforehand
t1_values = r.t1(omega, tau, gamma_cd, mode='bpp',
prefactor=Quadrupolar.relax(delta, eta))
# add noise
rng = np.random.default_rng()
noisy = (rng.random(t1_values.size)-0.5) * 0.5 * t1_values + t1_values
ax_t1 = plt.figure().add_subplot()
ax_t1.semilogy(inv_temp, t1_values, label='Calculated T1')
ax_t1.semilogy(inv_temp, noisy, 'o', label='Noise')
# Actual evaluation starts here
# setting necessary parameter
r_eval = RelaxationEvaluation()
r_eval.set_coupling(Quadrupolar, (delta, eta))
r_eval.set_data(temperature, noisy)
r_eval.omega = omega
# Find a T1 minumum
t1_min_data, _ = r_eval.calculate_t1_min() # second argument is None
t1_min_inter, line = r_eval.calculate_t1_min(interpolate=1, trange=(160, 195), use_log=True)
ax_min = plt.figure().add_subplot()
ax_min.semilogy(inv_temp, noisy, 'o', label='Data')
ax_min.semilogy(1000/line[0], line[1], '--')
ax_min.semilogy(1000/t1_min_data[0], t1_min_data[1], 'C2X',label='Data minimum')
ax_min.semilogy(1000/t1_min_inter[0], t1_min_inter[1], 'C3P',label='Parabola')
ax_min.set_xlim(4.5, 7)
ax_min.set_ylim(1e-3, 1e-1)
# Vary the first (and for Cole-Davidson, only) parameter of the spectral density
found_gamma, found_height = r_eval.get_increase(t1_min_inter[1], idx=0, mode='distribution')
print(f'Minimum at {found_height} for {found_gamma}; input is {gamma_cd}')
# Calculation of correlation times uses previously parameter for spectral density
# and prefactor
tau_from_t1, opts = r_eval.correlation_from_t1(mode='mean')
print(f'Used options: {opts}')
ax_tau = plt.figure().add_subplot()
ax_tau.semilogy(inv_temp, tau*gamma_cd, label='Original input')
ax_tau.semilogy(1000/tau_from_t1[:, 0], tau_from_t1[:, 1], 'o', label='Calculated')