Heroic squashing of spurious furious tab bugs

This commit is contained in:
Stefan Reutter 2014-08-01 14:30:45 +00:00
parent 0a393b0748
commit bb95347567
10 changed files with 455 additions and 455 deletions

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@ -6,206 +6,206 @@ import numpy as N
import numpy.fft as F
class FFT:
def __init__(self, one_result):
# create copy of one_result and work only on the copy
# also extract some informations
self.the_result = one_result + 0
self.timepoints = N.array(one_result.x)
self.sampling_rate = one_result.get_sampling_rate()
self.data_points = one_result.get_ydata(0).size
self.aquisition_time = self.data_points / float(self.sampling_rate)
self.the_result.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
def __init__(self, one_result):
# create copy of one_result and work only on the copy
# also extract some informations
self.the_result = one_result + 0
self.timepoints = N.array(one_result.x)
self.sampling_rate = one_result.get_sampling_rate()
self.data_points = one_result.get_ydata(0).size
self.aquisition_time = self.data_points / float(self.sampling_rate)
self.the_result.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
def write_n(self, afile):
filename = open(afile,'w')
filename = open(afile,'a')
#print self.the_result.get_description_dictionary()
for i in range(self.data_points):
filename.write('%e\t%e\t%e\n'%(self.the_result.x[i], self.the_result.y[0][i], self.the_result.y[1][i]))
return self
def write_n(self, afile):
filename = open(afile,'w')
filename = open(afile,'a')
#print self.the_result.get_description_dictionary()
for i in range(self.data_points):
filename.write('%e\t%e\t%e\n'%(self.the_result.x[i], self.the_result.y[0][i], self.the_result.y[1][i]))
return self
def base_corr(self, cutoff=0.3, show=0):
Subtracts the mean of the last cutoff % of the timsignal
to get rid of the DC part in the FFT and returns the
new data.
If cutoff is not given, the mean of the last 30% will be
If show=1 the result is return and not the instance. This allows to plot the baseline corrected signal
base_corr(cutoff=0.2, show=1)
last_points = int(cutoff*self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i] - self.the_result.y[i][-last_points:].mean()
if show == 1 :
return self.the_result
return self
def base_corr(self, cutoff=0.3, show=0):
Subtracts the mean of the last cutoff % of the timsignal
to get rid of the DC part in the FFT and returns the
new data.
If cutoff is not given, the mean of the last 30% will be
If show=1 the result is return and not the instance. This allows to plot the baseline corrected signal
base_corr(cutoff=0.2, show=1)
last_points = int(cutoff*self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i] - self.the_result.y[i][-last_points:].mean()
if show == 1 :
return self.the_result
return self
def abs_fft(self, points=None, zoom=None,write = 'off'):
Fourier transforms the timesignal;
points is the number of points to transform, if more points given than data points
the rest is zero padded
def abs_fft(self, points=None, zoom=None,write = 'off'):
Fourier transforms the timesignal;
points is the number of points to transform, if more points given than data points
the rest is zero padded
realdata = N.array(self.the_result.y[0])
imdata = N.array(self.the_result.y[1])
data = realdata + 1j*imdata
fftdata = F.fftshift(F.fft(data, points))
absfft = N.sqrt(fftdata.real**2 + fftdata.imag**2)
# create our x axis
n = fftdata.size
self.the_result.x = F.fftshift(F.fftfreq(n, 1.0/self.sampling_rate))
self.the_result.y[0] = absfft
self.the_result.y[1] = N.zeros(n)
if write == 'on':
return self
if zoom is None:
return self.the_result
center, width = zoom
return self.zoom(self.the_result, center, width)
realdata = N.array(self.the_result.y[0])
imdata = N.array(self.the_result.y[1])
data = realdata + 1j*imdata
fftdata = F.fftshift(F.fft(data, points))
absfft = N.sqrt(fftdata.real**2 + fftdata.imag**2)
# create our x axis
n = fftdata.size
self.the_result.x = F.fftshift(F.fftfreq(n, 1.0/self.sampling_rate))
self.the_result.y[0] = absfft
self.the_result.y[1] = N.zeros(n)
if write == 'on':
return self
if zoom is None:
return self.the_result
center, width = zoom
return self.zoom(self.the_result, center, width)
def fft(self, points=None, zoom=None, write='off'):
realdata = N.array(self.the_result.y[0])
imdata = N.array(self.the_result.y[1])
data = realdata + 1j*imdata
fftdata = F.fftshift(F.fft(data, points))
# create our x axis
n = fftdata.size
self.the_result.x = F.fftshift(F.fftfreq(n, 1.0/self.sampling_rate))
self.the_result.y[0] = fftdata.real
self.the_result.y[1] = fftdata.imag
if write == 'on':
return self
if zoom is None:
return self.the_result
center, width = zoom
return self.zoom(self.the_result, center, width)
def fft(self, points=None, zoom=None, write='off'):
realdata = N.array(self.the_result.y[0])
imdata = N.array(self.the_result.y[1])
data = realdata + 1j*imdata
fftdata = F.fftshift(F.fft(data, points))
# create our x axis
n = fftdata.size
self.the_result.x = F.fftshift(F.fftfreq(n, 1.0/self.sampling_rate))
self.the_result.y[0] = fftdata.real
self.the_result.y[1] = fftdata.imag
if write == 'on':
return self
if zoom is None:
return self.the_result
center, width = zoom
return self.zoom(self.the_result, center, width)
def zoom(self,some_result, center="auto", width=1000):
if center == "auto":
i_center = int(self.the_result.y[0].argmax())
maximum = self.the_result.y[0][i_center]
print "Maximum at Frequency:", self.the_result.x[i_center]
i_center = int(self.data_points/2.0+self.data_points*center/self.sampling_rate)
#print "TODO: set width automagically"
#if width == "auto":
# i_width = int(self.data_points*width)
i_width = int(self.data_points*width/self.sampling_rate)
return some_result
def zoom(self,some_result, center="auto", width=1000):
if center == "auto":
i_center = int(self.the_result.y[0].argmax())
maximum = self.the_result.y[0][i_center]
print "Maximum at Frequency:", self.the_result.x[i_center]
i_center = int(self.data_points/2.0+self.data_points*center/self.sampling_rate)
#print "TODO: set width automagically"
#if width == "auto":
# i_width = int(self.data_points*width)
i_width = int(self.data_points*width/self.sampling_rate)
return some_result
Apodization functions:
* exp_window and gauss_window are S/N enhancing,
* dexp_window and traf_window are resolution enhancing
* standard windows [hamming, hanning, bartlett, blackman, kaiser-bessel] are also available
self.timepoints = time points
self.aquisition_time = aquisition time (no. samples / sampling_rate)
line_broadening = line broadening factor (standard = 10 Hz)
gaussian_multiplicator = Gaussian Multiplication Factor for
the double exponential apodization
function (standard = 0.3)
def exp_window(self, line_broadening=10, show=0):
apod = N.exp(-self.timepoints*line_broadening)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1 :
return self.the_result
return self
Apodization functions:
* exp_window and gauss_window are S/N enhancing,
* dexp_window and traf_window are resolution enhancing
* standard windows [hamming, hanning, bartlett, blackman, kaiser-bessel] are also available
self.timepoints = time points
self.aquisition_time = aquisition time (no. samples / sampling_rate)
line_broadening = line broadening factor (standard = 10 Hz)
gaussian_multiplicator = Gaussian Multiplication Factor for
the double exponential apodization
function (standard = 0.3)
def exp_window(self, line_broadening=10, show=0):
apod = N.exp(-self.timepoints*line_broadening)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1 :
return self.the_result
return self
def gauss_window(self, line_broadening=10, show=0):
apod = N.exp(-(self.timepoints*line_broadening)**2)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1 :
return self.the_result
return self
def gauss_window(self, line_broadening=10, show=0):
apod = N.exp(-(self.timepoints*line_broadening)**2)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1 :
return self.the_result
return self
def dexp_window(self, line_broadening=10, gaussian_multiplicator=0.3, show=0):
apod = N.exp(-(self.timepoints*line_broadening - gaussian_multiplicator*self.aquisition_time)**2)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def dexp_window(self, line_broadening=10, gaussian_multiplicator=0.3, show=0):
apod = N.exp(-(self.timepoints*line_broadening - gaussian_multiplicator*self.aquisition_time)**2)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def traf_window(self, line_broadening=10, show=0):
apod = (N.exp(-self.timepoints*line_broadening))**2 / ( (N.exp(-self.timepoints*line_broadening))**3
+ (N.exp(-self.aquisition_time*line_broadening))**3 )
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def traf_window(self, line_broadening=10, show=0):
apod = (N.exp(-self.timepoints*line_broadening))**2 / ( (N.exp(-self.timepoints*line_broadening))**3
+ (N.exp(-self.aquisition_time*line_broadening))**3 )
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def hanning_window(self, show=0):
apod = N.hanning(self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def hanning_window(self, show=0):
apod = N.hanning(self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def hamming_window(self, show=0):
apod = N.hamming(self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def hamming_window(self, show=0):
apod = N.hamming(self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def blackman_window(self, show=0):
apod = N.blackman(self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def blackman_window(self, show=0):
apod = N.blackman(self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def bartlett_window(self, show=0):
apod = N.bartlett(self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def bartlett_window(self, show=0):
apod = N.bartlett(self.data_points)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
def kaiser_window(self, beta=4, show=0, use_scipy=None):
if use_scipy == None:
# modified Bessel function of zero kind order from somewhere
def I_0(x):
fac = lambda n:reduce(lambda a,b:a*(b+1),range(n),1)
for n in range(20):
i0 += ((x/2.0)**n/(fac(n)))**2
return i0
def kaiser_window(self, beta=4, show=0, use_scipy=None):
if use_scipy == None:
# modified Bessel function of zero kind order from somewhere
def I_0(x):
fac = lambda n:reduce(lambda a,b:a*(b+1),range(n),1)
for n in range(20):
i0 += ((x/2.0)**n/(fac(n)))**2
return i0
t = N.arange(self.data_points, type=N.Float) - self.data_points/2.0
T = self.data_points
# this is the window function array
apod = I_0(beta*N.sqrt(1-(2*t/T)**2))/I_0(beta)
# alternative method using scipy
import scipy
apod=scipy.kaiser(self.data_points, beta)
t = N.arange(self.data_points, type=N.Float) - self.data_points/2.0
T = self.data_points
# this is the window function array
apod = I_0(beta*N.sqrt(1-(2*t/T)**2))/I_0(beta)
# alternative method using scipy
import scipy
apod=scipy.kaiser(self.data_points, beta)
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self
for i in range(2):
self.the_result.y[i] = self.the_result.y[i]*apod
if show == 1:
return self.the_result
return self

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@ -4,154 +4,154 @@ import autophase
class DamarisFFT:
def clip(self, start=None, stop=None):
Method for clipping data, only the timesignal between start and stop
is returned.
start and stop can be either time or frequency. The unit is automatically determined
# check if start/stop order is properly
if start > stop:
# I could swap start/stop actually
# TODO swap values?
# if one uses clip as a "placeholder"
if start==None and stop==None:
return self
Method for clipping data, only the timesignal between start and stop
is returned.
start and stop can be either time or frequency. The unit is automatically determined
# check if start/stop order is properly
if start > stop:
# I could swap start/stop actually
# TODO swap values?
# if one uses clip as a "placeholder"
if start==None and stop==None:
return self
if start==None:
start = 0
if stop==None:
stop = -1
# check if data is fft which changes the start/stop units
# TODO should get nicer(failsafe), i.e. flags in the object?
if self.xlabel == "Frequency / Hz":
isfft = True
start = self.x.size*(0.5 + start/self.sampling_rate)
stop = self.x.size*(0.5 + stop/self.sampling_rate)
isfft = False
# get the corresponding indices
start *= self.sampling_rate
stop *= self.sampling_rate
# check if boundaries make sense, raise exception otherwise
if numpy.abs(int(start)-int(stop))<=0:
raise ValueError("start stop too close: There are no values in the given boundaries!")
for ch in xrange(len(self.y)):
# clip the data for each channel
# TODO multi records
self.y[ch] = self.y[ch][int(start):int(stop)]
# TODO what to do with x? Should it start from 0 or from start?
# self.x = self.x[:int(stop)-int(start)]
self.x = self.x[int(start):int(stop)]
return self
if start==None:
start = 0
if stop==None:
stop = -1
# check if data is fft which changes the start/stop units
# TODO should get nicer(failsafe), i.e. flags in the object?
if self.xlabel == "Frequency / Hz":
isfft = True
start = self.x.size*(0.5 + start/self.sampling_rate)
stop = self.x.size*(0.5 + stop/self.sampling_rate)
isfft = False
# get the corresponding indices
start *= self.sampling_rate
stop *= self.sampling_rate
# check if boundaries make sense, raise exception otherwise
if numpy.abs(int(start)-int(stop))<=0:
raise ValueError("start stop too close: There are no values in the given boundaries!")
for ch in xrange(len(self.y)):
# clip the data for each channel
# TODO multi records
self.y[ch] = self.y[ch][int(start):int(stop)]
# TODO what to do with x? Should it start from 0 or from start?
# self.x = self.x[:int(stop)-int(start)]
self.x = self.x[int(start):int(stop)]
return self
def baseline(self, last_part=0.1):
Correct the baseline of your data by subtracting the mean of the
last_part fraction of your data.
Correct the baseline of your data by subtracting the mean of the
last_part fraction of your data.
last_part defaults to 0.1, i.e. last 10% of your data
# TODO baselinecorrection for spectra after:
# Heuer, A; Haeberlen, U.: J. Mag. Res.(1989) 85, Is 1, 79-94
# Should I create an empty object?
# I deided to do NOT a copy, but
# rather modify the object
n = int(self.x.size*last_part)
for ch in xrange(len(self.y)):
self.y[ch] -= self.y[ch][-n:].mean()
# Skip the following due to design reasons
# new_object.was_copied = True
return self
last_part defaults to 0.1, i.e. last 10% of your data
# TODO baselinecorrection for spectra after:
# Heuer, A; Haeberlen, U.: J. Mag. Res.(1989) 85, Is 1, 79-94
# Should I create an empty object?
# I deided to do NOT a copy, but
# rather modify the object
n = int(self.x.size*last_part)
for ch in xrange(len(self.y)):
self.y[ch] -= self.y[ch][-n:].mean()
# Skip the following due to design reasons
# new_object.was_copied = True
return self
Apodization functions:
* exp_window and gauss_window are S/N enhancing,
* dexp_window and traf_window are resolution enhancing
* standard windows [hamming, hanning, bartlett, blackman, kaiser-bessel]
are also available
self.x = time points
elf.aquisition_time = aquisition time (no. samples / sampling_rate)
line_broadening = line broadening factor (standard = 10 Hz)
gaussian_multiplicator = Gaussian Multiplication Factor for
the double exponential apodization
function (standard = 0.3)
Apodization functions:
* exp_window and gauss_window are S/N enhancing,
* dexp_window and traf_window are resolution enhancing
* standard windows [hamming, hanning, bartlett, blackman, kaiser-bessel]
are also available
self.x = time points
elf.aquisition_time = aquisition time (no. samples / sampling_rate)
line_broadening = line broadening factor (standard = 10 Hz)
gaussian_multiplicator = Gaussian Multiplication Factor for
the double exponential apodization
function (standard = 0.3)
def exp_window(self, line_broadening=10):
exponential window
exponential window
apod = numpy.exp(-self.x*numpy.pi*line_broadening)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def gauss_window(self, line_broadening=10):
apod = numpy.exp(-(self.x*line_broadening)**2)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
apod = numpy.exp(-(self.x*line_broadening)**2)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def dexp_window(self, line_broadening=-10, gaussian_multiplicator=0.3):
apod = numpy.exp(-(self.x*line_broadening - gaussian_multiplicator*self.x.max())**2)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
apod = numpy.exp(-(self.x*line_broadening - gaussian_multiplicator*self.x.max())**2)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def traf_window(self, line_broadening=10):
apod = (numpy.exp(-self.x*line_broadening))**2 / ( (numpy.exp(-self.x*line_broadening))**3
+ (numpy.exp(-self.x.max()*line_broadening))**3 )
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
apod = (numpy.exp(-self.x*line_broadening))**2 / ( (numpy.exp(-self.x*line_broadening))**3
+ (numpy.exp(-self.x.max()*line_broadening))**3 )
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def hanning_window(self):
apod = numpy.hanning(self.x.size)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
apod = numpy.hanning(self.x.size)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def hamming_window(self):
apod = numpy.hamming(self.x.size)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
apod = numpy.hamming(self.x.size)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def blackman_window(self):
apod = numpy.blackman(self.x.size)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
apod = numpy.blackman(self.x.size)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def bartlett_window(self):
apod = numpy.bartlett(self.x.size)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
apod = numpy.bartlett(self.x.size)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def kaiser_window(self, beta=4, use_scipy=None):
if use_scipy == None:
# modified Bessel function of zero kind order from somewhere
def I_0(x):
fac = lambda n:reduce(lambda a,b:a*(b+1),range(n),1)
for n in xrange(20):
i0 += ((x/2.0)**n/(fac(n)))**2
return i0
if use_scipy == None:
# modified Bessel function of zero kind order from somewhere
def I_0(x):
fac = lambda n:reduce(lambda a,b:a*(b+1),range(n),1)
for n in xrange(20):
i0 += ((x/2.0)**n/(fac(n)))**2
return i0
t = numpy.arange(self.x.size, type=numpy.Float) - self.x.size/2.0
T = self.x.size
# this is the window function array
apod = I_0(beta*numpy.sqrt(1-(2*t/T)**2))/I_0(beta)
# alternative method using scipy
import scipy
apod=scipy.kaiser(self.x.size, beta)
t = numpy.arange(self.x.size, type=numpy.Float) - self.x.size/2.0
T = self.x.size
# this is the window function array
apod = I_0(beta*numpy.sqrt(1-(2*t/T)**2))/I_0(beta)
# alternative method using scipy
import scipy
apod=scipy.kaiser(self.x.size, beta)
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
for i in range(2):
self.y[i] = self.y[i]*apod
return self
def autophase(self):
@ -162,35 +162,35 @@ class DamarisFFT:
return self
def fft(self, samples=None):
Fouriertransform the timesignal inplace.
For "zerofilling" set "samples" to a value higher than your data length.
Shorten "samples" to truncate your data.
samples takes only integer values
Fouriertransform the timesignal inplace.
For "zerofilling" set "samples" to a value higher than your data length.
Shorten "samples" to truncate your data.
samples takes only integer values
# Is this smart performance wise? Should I create an empty object?
# Tests showed that this try except block performed 3.78ms
# timesignal.baseline().fft()
# with out this it needed 4.41 ms, thus this is justified :-)
# if self.was_copied:
# new_object = self
# new_object = self+0
fft_of_signal = numpy.fft.fft(self.y[0] + 1j*self.y[1], n=samples)
fft_of_signal = numpy.fft.fftshift(fft_of_signal)
dwell = 1.0/self.sampling_rate
n = fft_of_signal.size
fft_frequencies = numpy.fft.fftfreq(n, dwell)
self.x = numpy.fft.fftshift(fft_frequencies)
self.y[0] = fft_of_signal.real
self.y[1] = fft_of_signal.imag
self.set_xlabel("Frequency / Hz")
return self
# Is this smart performance wise? Should I create an empty object?
# Tests showed that this try except block performed 3.78ms
# timesignal.baseline().fft()
# with out this it needed 4.41 ms, thus this is justified :-)
# if self.was_copied:
# new_object = self
# new_object = self+0
fft_of_signal = numpy.fft.fft(self.y[0] + 1j*self.y[1], n=samples)
fft_of_signal = numpy.fft.fftshift(fft_of_signal)
dwell = 1.0/self.sampling_rate
n = fft_of_signal.size
fft_frequencies = numpy.fft.fftfreq(n, dwell)
self.x = numpy.fft.fftshift(fft_frequencies)
self.y[0] = fft_of_signal.real
self.y[1] = fft_of_signal.imag
self.set_xlabel("Frequency / Hz")
return self
def magnitude(self):
# this should calculate the absolute value, and set the imag channel to zero
self.y[0] = numpy.sqrt(self.y [0]**2+self.y [1]**2)
self.y[1] *= 0 #self.y[0].copy()
return self
# this should calculate the absolute value, and set the imag channel to zero
self.y[0] = numpy.sqrt(self.y [0]**2+self.y [1]**2)
self.y[1] *= 0 #self.y[0].copy()
return self

View File

@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ class DataPool(UserDict.DictMixin):
except Exception,e:
print "failed to write data_pool[\"%s\"]: %s"%(key,str(e))
traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2], None, traceback_file)
print "detailed traceback: %s\n"%str(e)+traceback_file.getvalue()
traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2], None, traceback_file)
print "detailed traceback: %s\n"%str(e)+traceback_file.getvalue()
print "don't know how to store data_pool[\"%s\"]"%key

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class AccumulatedValue:
can be initialized by:
No argument: no entries
one argument: first entry
two arguments: mean and its error, n is set 2
two arguments: mean and its error, n is set 2
three arguments: already existing statistics defined by mean, mean's error, n
if mean is None:
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ class AccumulatedValue:
elif mean_err is None:
elif mean_err is None:
self.n=max(1, int(n))
elif n is None:
elif n is None:
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class MeasurementResult(Drawable.Drawable, UserDict.UserDict):
sorted array of all dictionary entries without Accumulated Value objects with n==0
keys=numpy.array(filter(lambda k: not (isinstance(self.data[k], AccumulatedValue) and self.data[k].n==0), self.data.keys()),
return keys

View File

@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
class Persistance :
def __init__(self, shots):
self.shots = shots
self.accu = 0
self.counter = 0
self.result_list = []
def __init__(self, shots):
self.shots = shots
self.accu = 0
self.counter = 0
self.result_list = []
def fade(self, res):
self.counter += 1
if self.accu == 0:
if self.counter < 1:
for i,ch in enumerate(self.accu.y):
ch += res.y[i]
def fade(self, res):
self.counter += 1
if self.accu == 0:
if self.counter < 1:
for i,ch in enumerate(self.accu.y):
ch += res.y[i]
elif len(self.result_list) == self.shots:
self.counter = len(self.result_list)
old_result = self.result_list.pop(0)
for i,ch in enumerate(self.accu.y):
ch *= self.shots
ch -= old_result.y[i]
ch += res.y[i]
for i,ch in enumerate(self.accu.y):
ch *= self.counter-1
ch += res.y[i]
self.accu /= self.counter
return self.accu
elif len(self.result_list) == self.shots:
self.counter = len(self.result_list)
old_result = self.result_list.pop(0)
for i,ch in enumerate(self.accu.y):
ch *= self.shots
ch -= old_result.y[i]
ch += res.y[i]
for i,ch in enumerate(self.accu.y):
ch *= self.counter-1
ch += res.y[i]
self.accu /= self.counter
return self.accu

View File

@ -2,62 +2,62 @@
import numpy as N
def calculate_entropy(phi, real, imag, gamma, dwell):
Calculates the entropy of the spectrum (real part).
p = phase
gamma should be adjusted such that the penalty and entropy are in the same magnitude
# This is first order phasecorrection
# corr_phase = phi[0]+phi[1]*arange(0,len(signal),1.0)/len(signal) # For 0th and 1st correction
Calculates the entropy of the spectrum (real part).
p = phase
gamma should be adjusted such that the penalty and entropy are in the same magnitude
# This is first order phasecorrection
# corr_phase = phi[0]+phi[1]*arange(0,len(signal),1.0)/len(signal) # For 0th and 1st correction
# Zero order phase correction
real_part = real*N.cos(phi)-imag*N.sin(phi)
# Zero order phase correction
real_part = real*N.cos(phi)-imag*N.sin(phi)
# Either this for calculating derivatives:
# Zwei-Punkt-Formel
# real_diff = (Re[1:]-Re[:-1])/dwell
# Better this:
# Drei-Punkte-Mittelpunkt-Formel (Ränder werden nicht beachtet)
# real_diff = abs((Re[2:]-Re[:-2])/(dwell*2))
# Even better:
# Fünf-Punkte-Mittelpunkt-Formel (ohne Ränder)
real_diff = N.abs((real_part[:-4]-8*real_part[1:-3]
# Either this for calculating derivatives:
# Zwei-Punkt-Formel
# real_diff = (Re[1:]-Re[:-1])/dwell
# Better this:
# Drei-Punkte-Mittelpunkt-Formel (Ränder werden nicht beachtet)
# real_diff = abs((Re[2:]-Re[:-2])/(dwell*2))
# Even better:
# Fünf-Punkte-Mittelpunkt-Formel (ohne Ränder)
real_diff = N.abs((real_part[:-4]-8*real_part[1:-3]
# TODO Ränder, sind wahrscheinlich nicht kritisch
# TODO Ränder, sind wahrscheinlich nicht kritisch
# Calculate the entropy
h = real_diff/real_diff.sum()
# Set all h with 0 to 1 (log would complain)
entropy = N.sum(-h*N.log(h))
# Calculate the entropy
h = real_diff/real_diff.sum()
# Set all h with 0 to 1 (log would complain)
entropy = N.sum(-h*N.log(h))
# My version, according the paper
#penalty = gamma*sum([val**2 for val in Re if val < 0])
# calculate penalty value: a real spectrum should have positive values
if real_part.sum() < 0:
tmp = real_part[real_part<0]
penalty = N.dot(tmp,tmp)
if gamma == 0:
gamma = entropy/penalty
penalty = N.dot(tmp,tmp)*gamma
penalty = 0
#print "Entropy:",entrop,"Penalty:",penalty # Debugging
shannon = entropy+penalty
return shannon
# My version, according the paper
#penalty = gamma*sum([val**2 for val in Re if val < 0])
# calculate penalty value: a real spectrum should have positive values
if real_part.sum() < 0:
tmp = real_part[real_part<0]
penalty = N.dot(tmp,tmp)
if gamma == 0:
gamma = entropy/penalty
penalty = N.dot(tmp,tmp)*gamma
penalty = 0
#print "Entropy:",entrop,"Penalty:",penalty # Debugging
shannon = entropy+penalty
return shannon
def get_phase(result_object):
global gamma
real = result_object.y[0].copy()
imag = result_object.y[1].copy()
dwell = 1.0/result_object.sampling_rate
# fmin also possible
xopt = fmin_powell( func=calculate_entropy,
args=(real, imag, gamma, dwell),
result_object.y[0] = real*N.cos(xopt) - imag*N.sin(xopt)
result_object.y[1] = real*N.sin(xopt) + imag*N.cos(xopt)
return result_object
global gamma
real = result_object.y[0].copy()
imag = result_object.y[1].copy()
dwell = 1.0/result_object.sampling_rate
# fmin also possible
xopt = fmin_powell( func=calculate_entropy,
args=(real, imag, gamma, dwell),
result_object.y[0] = real*N.cos(xopt) - imag*N.sin(xopt)
result_object.y[1] = real*N.sin(xopt) + imag*N.cos(xopt)
return result_object

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class BackendDriver(threading.Thread):
# read state file
statelinepattern=re.compile("<state name=\"([^\"]+)\" pid=\"([^\"]+)\" starttime=\"([^\"]+)\">")
for l in statelines:

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ class ExperimentHandling(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
exp_classes = __import__('damaris.experiments', dataspace, dataspace, ['Experiment'])
for name in dir(exp_classes):
exp_classes = __import__('damaris.experiments', dataspace, dataspace, ['Experiment'])
for name in dir(exp_classes):
if name[:2]=="__" and name[-2:]=="__": continue
del exp_classes

View File

@ -24,18 +24,18 @@ class ExperimentWriter:
f.close() # explicit close under windows necessary (don't know why)
del f
# this implementation tries to satisfiy msvc filehandle caching
os.rename(job_filename+".tmp", job_filename)
f.close() # explicit close under windows necessary (don't know why)
del f
# this implementation tries to satisfiy msvc filehandle caching
os.rename(job_filename+".tmp", job_filename)
#shutil.copyfile(job_filename+".tmp", job_filename)
# os.unlink(job_filename+".tmp")
#except OSError:
# print "could not delete temporary file %s.tmp"%job_filename
# os.unlink(job_filename+".tmp")
#except OSError:
# print "could not delete temporary file %s.tmp"%job_filename

View File

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ class ResultHandling(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
# execute it
data_classes = __import__('damaris.data', dataspace, dataspace, ['*'])
for name in dir(data_classes):
data_classes = __import__('damaris.data', dataspace, dataspace, ['*'])
for name in dir(data_classes):
if name[:2]=="__" and name[-2:]=="__": continue
del data_classes