#!/usr/bin/python # setup script will insert local DAMARIS installation path behind import sys statement # this must happen before any damaris stuff is called! import sys import os # for numpy-1.1 and later: check the environment for LANG and LC_NUMERIC # see: http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/numpy/ticket/902 if os.environ.get("LANG","").startswith("de") or os.environ.get("LC_NUMERIC", "").startswith("de"): os.environ["LC_NUMERIC"]="C" import damaris.gui.DamarisGUI import matplotlib import os.path # argv is already parsed by gtk initialisation myargs=sys.argv[1:] myname=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # find debug flag: if "--debug" in myargs: damaris.gui.DamarisGUI.debug = True print "debug flag set" try: import resource resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1,-1)) except ImportError: pass matplotlib.rcParams["verbose.level"]="debug" myargs.remove("--debug") # remove matplotlib flags if "-d"+matplotlib.rcParams["backend"] in myargs: myargs.remove("-d"+matplotlib.rcParams["backend"]) # find scripts to load in parameter list exp_script = None res_script = None if len(myargs)<=2: if len(myargs)>=1: exp_script=myargs[0] if len(myargs)==2: res_script=myargs[1] else: print """too many arguments.\n%s [--debug] [-dGTK(Agg|Cairo|)] (Experiment File|"") (Result File|"")"""%(myname) d=damaris.gui.DamarisGUI.DamarisGUI(exp_script, res_script) d.run() sys.stdout=sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr=sys.__stderr__