2022-03-08 10:27:40 +01:00
import copy
from numpy import argsort
from ..Qt import QtWidgets, QtCore
from ..data.container import FitContainer
from ..graphs.graphwindow import QGraphWindow
class ApodizationCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data, apod_values: list, apod_func: object):
self.__data = data
self.__y = copy.deepcopy(data.data.y)
self.__apod_func = apod_func
self.__apod_values = apod_values
def undo(self):
# doing a copy (again) to ensure two different objects
self.__data.y = copy.deepcopy(self.__y)
def redo(self):
self.__data.apply('ap', (self.__apod_values, self.__apod_func))
class CutCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data, *limits):
self.__data = data
self.__data_data = copy.deepcopy(data.data)
self.__limits = limits
def undo(self):
# doing a copy (again) to ensure two different objects
self.__data.data = copy.deepcopy(self.__data_data)
def redo(self):
self.__data.apply('cut', self.__limits)
class PhaseCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data, ph0: float, ph1: float, pvt: float):
super().__init__('Phase correction')
self.__phase = (ph0, ph1, pvt)
self.__data = data
def undo(self):
self.__data.apply('ph', (-self.__phase[0], -self.__phase[1], self.__phase[2]))
def redo(self):
self.__data.apply('ph', self.__phase)
2023-01-07 19:13:13 +01:00
class AutophaseCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data, pvt: float):
self.__data = data
self.__data_data = copy.deepcopy(data.data)
self.__pvt = pvt
def undo(self):
self.__data.data = copy.deepcopy(self.__data_data)
def redo(self):
self.__data.apply('autoph', (self.__pvt,))
2022-03-08 10:27:40 +01:00
class ShiftCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data, value, mode):
self.__data = data
self.__original = copy.deepcopy(self.__data.data)
self.__args = (value, mode)
def undo(self):
self.__data.data = copy.deepcopy(self.__original)
def redo(self):
self.__data.apply('ls', self.__args)
class NormCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data, mode):
self.__data = data
self.__mode = mode
self.__scale = 1.
def undo(self):
self.__data.y *= self.__scale
self.__data.y_err *= self.__scale
def redo(self):
max_value = self.__data.y.max()
self.__data.apply('norm', (self.__mode,))
self.__scale = max_value / self.__data.y.max()
class CenterCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data):
self.__data = data
self.__offset = 0.
def undo(self):
_x = self.__data.data.x
_x += self.__offset
self.__data.x = _x
def redo(self):
x0 = self.__data.x[0]
self.__data.apply('center', ())
self.__offset = x0 - self.__data.x[0]
class ZerofillCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data):
super().__init__('Zero filling')
self.__data = data
def undo(self):
self.__data.apply('zf', (-1,))
def redo(self):
self.__data.apply('zf', (1,))
class BaselineCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data):
super().__init__('Baseline correction')
self.__baseline = None
self.__data = data
def undo(self):
self.__data.y += self.__baseline
def redo(self):
y_prev = self.__data.y[-1]
self.__data.apply('bl', tuple())
self.__baseline = y_prev - self.__data.y[-1]
class BaselineSplineCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data, baseline):
super().__init__('Baseline correction')
self.__baseline = baseline
self.__data = data
def undo(self):
self.__data.apply('bls', (-self.__baseline,))
def redo(self):
self.__data.apply('bls', (self.__baseline,))
class FourierCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data):
self.__data = data
self.__original = copy.deepcopy(self.__data.data)
def undo(self):
self.__data.data = copy.deepcopy(self.__original)
def redo(self):
self.__data.apply('ft', tuple())
class SortCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, data):
self.__data = data
self.__sort = None
def undo(self):
def redo(self):
self.__sort = argsort(argsort(self.__data.data.x))
self.__data.apply('sort', tuple())
class DeleteGraphCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, container: dict, key: str,
signal1: QtCore.pyqtSignal, signal2: QtCore.pyqtSignal):
super().__init__('Delete graph')
# Deletion of GraphWindow is more complicated because C++ object is destroyed
self.__container = container
_value = self.__container[key]
self.__value = self.__container[key].get_state()
self.__key = key
self.__signal_add = signal1
self.__signal_remove = signal2
def redo(self):
del self.__container[self.__key]
def undo(self):
q = QGraphWindow().set_state(self.__value)
self.__container[self.__key] = q
class DeleteCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, container, key, signal1, signal2):
super().__init__('Delete data')
self.__container = container
self.__value = self.__container[key]
self.__key = key
self.__signal_add = signal1
self.__signal_remove = signal2
def redo(self):
if isinstance(self.__value, FitContainer):
except KeyError:
del self.__container[self.__key]
def undo(self):
self.__container[self.__key] = self.__value
if isinstance(self.__value, FitContainer):
except KeyError:
self.__signal_add.emit([self.__key], self.__value.graph)
class EvalCommand(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
def __init__(self, container: dict, key: str, new_data, title: str):
self.__container = container
self.__value = copy.deepcopy(self.__container[key].data)
self.__replacement = new_data
self.__key = key
def redo(self):
self.__container[self.__key].data = self.__replacement
def undo(self):
self.__container[self.__key].data = self.__value