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2014-06-26 11:10:51 +00:00
/* **************************************************************************
Author: Achim Gaedke
Created: June 2004
#ifndef XML_STATES_H
#define XML_STATES_H
#include "states.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include <expat.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOMElement.hpp>
\defgroup xmlstateinterface XML support for all state classes
\ingroup states
The state sequences consist of states and again sequences. A state is defined by a number of state_atom objects.
This definition results in a file with nested sections, that is parsed into a tree formed by the state objects.
The leaves of the tree are normaly state_atom objects. These state_atom objects define the state of a device.
An example for a sequence definition is:
\verbatim<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<sequent repeat="3">
<state time="3e-3">
<ttlout value="4"/>
<ttlout channel="2" state="0"/>
<analogout channel="1" f="1e6" p="0"/>
<analogout channel="2" f="1e6" p="90"/>
<sequent repeat="15">
<state time="3e-3">
<ttlout value="7"/>
<analogout channel="1" f="1e6" p="0"/>
<analogout channel="2" f="1e6" p="90"/>
<state time="1e-3">
<analogin f="5e6" s="4096"/>
The first line of this code is a statement of xml conformity. (More about xml can be read at:
http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml .)
The second line defines a new subsequence of states by using the tag \<sequent repeat="3"\>.
The "repeat" value 3 is the loop count. This line effects an instatiation of a state_sequent object.
All information will be collected in this branch, it is closed on the last line by \</sequent\>.
In this example the third line provides a %state tag corresponding to a state object.
So this also line specifies the duration of this state in seconds.
This section is closed with the eigth line containing \</state\>.
A xml document can contain only one top-level-element, that is called root or document element.
Applying the xml_state_reader it is not necessary to begin with a sequent element.
A xml section (representing a state or sequence in our case) is opend by a tag with a name in angle braces like
\<sequent\> and is closed with an extra slash before the name \</sequent\>. Attributes can follow in the form name="value",
attributes must be quoted (single or double quotes). If such a section has no contents there is a short form with a slash
before the closing angle, e.g. \<ttlout value="7"/\>.
Of course outside these tags, text can be supplied. By now, xml_state_reader ignores this text.
Inside a %state section the definition of the state is collected. Implemented are ttlout, analogout and
analogin. One element can occurr several times. How these states are merged is machine dependent.
So a state sequence is defined by <b>one sequent</b> section, containing again serval <b>state</b> or <b>sequent</b>
sections. The <b>state</b> sections must not contain other <b>state</b> sections or <b>sequent</b> sections.
\brief gains state sequence from an xml event stream
class xml_state_reader {
state_atom* root;
std::list<state_atom*> pending_elements;
XML_Parser parser;
instantiates an expat xml parser object
frees the parser object
\brief parses xml file containing sequences of states
the name of the file is the only parameter
\return returns tree of states or NULL if an parse error occured
state_atom* read_from_file(const std::string& filename);
state_atom* read_from_dom(const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMElement* e) {
// to do work, work and work
return NULL;
\brief parses a string containing sequences of states
\return returns tree of states or NULL if an parse error occured
state_atom* read_from_string(const std::string& data);
/** \brief finds an attribute in the attributes array
\return returns the pointer to the attributes value or NULL if not in the array
const XML_Char* search_attribute(const XML_Char** atts, const XML_Char* attr) const;
\brief looks for an attribute with different names
the first alternative, that could be found is taken
\return returns a pointer to the attributes value or NULL if nothing approprate is found
const XML_Char* search_attributes(const XML_Char** atts, ...) const;
create new states from xml tags and their attributes
state_atom* state_factory(const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** atts) const;
start tag callback for expat parser
void start_element(const XML_Char* name,const XML_Char** atts);
end tag callback for expat parser
void end_element(const XML_Char* name);
\ingroup states
the writer outputs states to xml files
takes care of formating
class xml_state_writer {
/// have a stack
std::list<state_atom*> pending_elements;
/// allow nice formating druing recursive operation
size_t indent_offset;
/// allow nice formating druing recursive operation
size_t indent_increase;
/// simple initialisation
write states to a given output
if add_header is !=0 a full xml document is given
int write_states(FILE* output, const state_atom& states_to_write, int add_header=0, int indent_size=0);