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2014-06-26 11:10:51 +00:00
// pci416libw95.h: Function definitions for Datel PCI-416 Control library
// for both the S593X PCI controller and the pass thru
// data acq.logic
// Copyright (c) Datel, Inc. 1997
// Platform: Win95
// Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ V4.0
// Version: 1.0
// Author: GS
// created: 3/3/97
// modified: 4/16/97
// Comment: Ports DOS p416_lib to WIN32
// TYPE_BOARD_CONFIG and TYPE_DAQ_CONFIG structures are obsolete
// and not supported.
// Boards are accessed by a simple board index number.
// A number of functions from the DOS library are not ported
// to Windows. These functions are marked as obsolete. See below.
#ifndef P416LIBW95_H
#define P416LIBW95_H
#ifndef LIB_TYPE
#ifndef REALTYPE
#define REALTYPE double
Function get_adm_stats
Returns the ADM characteristics.
DWORD brdindex: index of board
ADM_STATS *admstats : Pointer to ADM_STATS structure that gets the data.
Return value: 0 -> no Error
-1 -> Error retreive error with pci416_getError
INT LIB_TYPE get_adm_stats(DWORD brdindex, ADM_STATS *admstats);
PASS THROUGH (A/D control)
// reads 8255 port control register
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_port_control_reg(DWORD brdindex);
// set 8255 port control register
void LIB_TYPE write_pt_port_control_reg(DWORD brdindex, UINT val);
// Reads from one of the 8255 I/O registers -> 0=a, 1=b, 2=c
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_port_data(DWORD brdindex, UINT prt);
// write to one of the 8255 I/O registers -> 0=a, 1=b, 2=c
DWORD LIB_TYPE write_pt_port_data(DWORD brdindex, UINT prt, UINT val);
// Enables / Disables auto PT(A/D Data) FIFO to Bridge fifo
void LIB_TYPE enable_pt_dma_logic(DWORD brdindex, UINT md);
// Suspends / Resumes auto PT(A/D Data) FIFO to Bridge fifo
// Returns 1 in case of time out otherwise 0
// time out count is set to 100000
DWORD LIB_TYPE start_stop_pt_dma_logic(DWORD brdindex, UINT md);
// Sets the trigger mode field in the P.thru command register
// 0 - internal , 1 - ext. digital, 2 - ext. analog rising edge,
// 3 - ext. analog falling edge
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_trigger_mode(DWORD brdindex, UINT md);
// Sets the Pass thru interrupt condition
// 0 - FIFO HF, 1 - End of Scan
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_interrupt_mode(DWORD brdindex, UINT md);
// enables pass thru to PCI interrupt on end of scan
void LIB_TYPE enable_pt_eos_interrupt(DWORD brdindex);
// enables pass thru to PCI interrupt on half full
void LIB_TYPE enable_pt_half_full_interrupt(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns 1 if a HF or EOS PT interrupt occured
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_interrupt_status(DWORD brdindex);
// Sets/Resets the Pass Thru A/D scan select bit (used for ADM model A)
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_scan_select(DWORD brdindex, UINT md);
// Sets/resets the Pass thru A/D channel auto-increment bit
// 1 - Autoincrement, 0 - nope
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_auto_increment(DWORD brdindex, UINT md);
// Sets/resets the Pass thru A/D Marker mode select bit
// 1 - mark, 0 - no marker
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_marker_select(DWORD brdindex, UINT md);
// Enables/Disables the Pass thru A/D Pre-trigger mode
// 1 - Pre-trigger, 0 - no pre_trigger
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_pretrigger(DWORD brdindex, UINT md);
// Disables the Pass thru to Host(PCI) interrupt
void LIB_TYPE disable_pt_interrupt(DWORD brdindex);
// Clears the PCI interrupt on the S5933 Bridge
void LIB_TYPE clear_pt_interrupt(DWORD brdindex);
// Enables the Pass thru to Host(PCI) interrupt
void LIB_TYPE enable_pt_interrupt(DWORD brdindex);
// Set A/D clock source MUX
// 0 20 - 40 MHz 2.5Khz res
// 1 10 - 20 Mhz 1.25
// 2 5 - 10 625Hz res
// 3 Freq SYNTH -> 82C54 -> A/D
// useful for exact freq < 5 Mhz
// 4 External Clock
// 5 20MHz x-tal -->a/d
// 6 10Mhz x-tal -->a/d
// 7 10 Mhz -> 8254-> a/d
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_ad_clock_source(DWORD brdindex, UINT src);
// Set A/D control bits
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_adm_control(DWORD brdindex, UINT val);
// Sets pass thru command register to desired value
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_command_reg(DWORD brdindex,DWORD val);
/* obsolete use pci416_set_cmdreg(brdindex, mode, val, &retval) instead
// Write current variable value to pass thru command register hardware
void LIB_TYPE update_pt_command_reg(DWORD brdindex);
// Write to the Pass-Thru Address Register Latch (ARL)
// sets hardware and software value of pt address (register select) register
// obsolete, use write_pci_port(DWORD portadr, DWORD data) instead
// get portadr with pci416_get_badr(DWORD brdindex, WORD *badrbuf, WORD bufsize);
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_address_reg(DWORD brdindex,DWORD addr);
// Reads the PT. hardware status register
// returns 0xFFFFFFFF in case of error
// use pci416_getError to retreive error code
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_status_reg(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns 1 if pass thru fifo is empty
// returns 0xFFFFFFFF in case of error
// use pci416_getError to retreive error code
DWORD LIB_TYPE pt_fifo_empty(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns 1 if pass thru fifo is half full
// returns 0xFFFFFFFF in case of error
// use pci416_getError to retreive error code
DWORD LIB_TYPE pt_fifo_half_full(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns 1 if pass thru fifo is full
// returns 0xFFFFFFFF in case of error
// use pci416_getError to retreive error code
DWORD LIB_TYPE pt_fifo_full(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns 1 if data PT A/D ARM FF is SET
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_arm_ff(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns 1 if ANATRG bit of PT -SR is high
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_analog_trigger_status(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns 1 if data ACQ bit in PT -CR is high
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_acquire_status(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns the AD Module given by DIP setting
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_adm(DWORD brdindex);
// Set A/D sample count register
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_sample_count(DWORD brdindex, DWORD count);
// Set A/D Channel field of pt channel register
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_ad_channel(DWORD brdindex, UINT chan);
// Set A/D Scan Count field of channel register
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_ad_scan_count(DWORD brdindex, UINT count);
// Sets Test LED bit of channel register
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_led(DWORD brdindex, UINT val);
// Reset the PT. A/D Fifo
void LIB_TYPE reset_pt_fifos(DWORD brdindex);
// Set/Reset PT. A/D convert enable bit
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_convert_enable(DWORD brdindex, UINT val);
// Sets output clock frequency of PLL hardware
// And sets A/D clock source to PLL output
UINT LIB_TYPE set_pt_pll(DWORD brdindex, REALTYPE freq);
// obsolete, use pci416_set_pllreg(brdindex, valA, valN) instead
// writes current software value of the pll data register to hardware
//void LIB_TYPE update_pt_pll_reg(DWORD brdindex);
// obsolete, use pci416_set_timer(DWORD brdindex, WORD mode,
// WORD counter02, WORD counter1);
// Updates 8254 counter register hardware with current software values
//UINT LIB_TYPE set_pt_timer(DWORD brdindex, UINT n,UINT mode,UINT count);
// Set A/D Clock Rate
// Automatically sets best possible clock source mux and counter values
int LIB_TYPE set_pt_ad_clock_rate(DWORD brdindex,REALTYPE fs);
// Set A/D Trigger Rate (timers 0,1)
// Returns (1) if error
// *actual = real trigger rate produced by hardware
UINT LIB_TYPE set_pt_trigger_rate(DWORD brdindex,REALTYPE ft,
REALTYPE *actual);
// set trigger mode to internal
// generate single trigger
void LIB_TYPE generate_single_internal_trigger(DWORD brdindex);
void LIB_TYPE reset_pt_trigger_timer(DWORD brdindex);
// Sets DAC hardware voltage
// assumes +-10V range
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_dac_voltage(DWORD brdindex, REALTYPE volts);
// Sets DAC hardware code
void LIB_TYPE set_pt_dac_code(DWORD brdindex, UINT code);
// Reads 1 DWORDSfrom pt a/d sample storage fifo
// returns 0xffffffff in case of error
// get error code with pci416_getError
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_pt_fifo(DWORD brdindex);
// Read Multiple DWORDS from pt a/d sample storage fifo
void LIB_TYPE read_pt_fifo_many(DWORD brdindex, LPDWORD buffer, DWORD count);
// Resets the (Inbound) DMA FIFO on the S593x controller
void LIB_TYPE reset_dma_fifo( DWORD brdindex);
// Sets the (Inbound) DMA fif0 bus master mode 1-> request on HF
// 0-> reqest on not(EF)
void LIB_TYPE set_dma_request_half_full( DWORD brdindex,UINT md);
// Enable/Disable (T/F) Bus master write transfers from FIFO
void LIB_TYPE enable_dma_transfers( DWORD brdindex,UINT enable);
// Updates the value of the S593x Bus Master Control/Status Reg
/* obsolete
// use pci416_set_mcsrreg(brdindex, mode, data, &retdata);
void LIB_TYPE update_mcr(DWORD brdindex);
// Updates the DMA(Write) transfer count register (count is in bytes)
void LIB_TYPE set_dma_transfer_count(DWORD brdindex, DWORD bytes);
// Reads the DMA(Write) transfer count register (count is in bytes)
// returns 0xffffffff in case of error
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_dma_transfer_count(DWORD brdindex);
/* obsolete use pci416_setup_dma and pci416_reload_dma
// Updates the DMA(Write) transfer Address register
void LIB_TYPE set_dma_dest_address(DWORD brdindex, DWORD dest);
// Reads the DMA(Write) destination addr. register
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_dma_dest_address(DWORD brdindex);
// not implemented DMA does not work on interrupt
// Enables/Disables S593x interrupt to HOST on dma completion (Write Transfer)
//void LIB_TYPE enable_dma_interrupt(DWORD brdindex, UINT enable);
obsolete use pci416_dma_status
// Returns the Write(dma) transfer complete status bit (1=complete)
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_dma_transfer_status(DWORD brdindex);
/* not implemented DMA does not work on interrupt
// Resets the MAILBOX INTERRUPT status bit (INTERRUPT) (write1 clRs)
void LIB_TYPE reset_dma_transfer_status(DWORD brdindex);
/* obsolete, use pci416_read_intcsr,
// Returns 1 is the the DMA(Write X-fer) FIFO on the AMCC controller is FULL
DWORD LIB_TYPE dma_fifo_full(DWORD brdindex);
// Returns 1 is the the DMA(Write X-fer) FIFO on the AMCC controller is empty
DWORD LIB_TYPE dma_fifo_empty(DWORD brdindex);
// Reads the DMA(Write X-fer) FIFO on the AMCC controller
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_dma_fifo_reg(DWORD brdindex);
// Updates the value of the S593x Interrupt Control/Status Reg
void LIB_TYPE update_intcsr(DWORD brdindex);
// Reads the value of the S593x Interrupt Control/Status Reg
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_intcsr(DWORD brdindex);
// Reads the value of the S593x Master Control/Status Reg
DWORD LIB_TYPE read_msr(DWORD brdindex);
// functions not needed for board operation in Windows
// used for internal test only -> see DOS code p416_set
// Checks if NVRAM access pins are busy
// returns non-zero if busy
UINT LIB_TYPE nvram_busy(DWORD brdindex);
// Set EPROM address for Data access
void LIB_TYPE set_nvram_address(DWORD brdindex, UINT addr);
// Read byte from NVRAM
unsigned char LIB_TYPE read_nvram( DWORD brdindex, UINT addr);
// Write byte to NVRAM
void LIB_TYPE write_nvram( DWORD brdindex, UINT addr,
unsigned char data);