cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) # unpack headers needed set(SPC_DRV set(SPC_HEADERS include/spcerr.h include/regs.h include/dlltyp.h include/ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${SPC_HEADERS} COMMAND unzip -o -q -u ${SPC_DRV} "*.h" "*.txt" "*.inc" -d include/ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Unpacking SPC headers" VERBATIM) # Kernelmodule is build from NDA source code. # just go to the current directory and tar xfz drvsrc_all_V*.tgz # this will usually create a "linux" folder # the actual kernel source file is in the src_all/micx_drv subfolder # If the "linux" folder exists the driver will be build if(DEFINED ENV{SPC_SOURCE}) message(STATUS "SPC_SOURCE environment variable set" $ENV{SPC_SOURCE}) set(SPC_SRC $ENV{SPC_SOURCE}) else() message(WARNING "Spectrum driver source path not defined in envirnoment variable SPC_SOURCE") set(SPC_SRC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/linux/src_all/micx_drv) endif() set(DRIVER_FILE ${SPC_SRC}/spc_smp.ko ) set(KERNEL_DIR "/lib/modules/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}/build" ) set(KBUILD_CMD ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} -C ${KERNEL_DIR} M=${SPC_SRC} modules) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${DRIVER_FILE} COMMAND ${KBUILD_CMD} COMMENT "Building spc_smp.ko" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${SPC_SRC} VERBATIM) if(EXISTS ${SPC_SRC}) add_custom_target (micx_drv ALL DEPENDS ${DRIVER_FILE} ) install(FILES ${DRIVER_FILE} DESTINATION /lib/modules/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}/kernel/damaris) else() message("Spectrum MI40xx kernel driver not found " ${SPC_SRC} " unpack and configure it") endif() add_library(Spectrum_MI40xxSeries STATIC Spectrum-MI40xxSeries.cpp GatedData.cpp ${SPC_HEADERS})