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/* **************************************************************************
Author: Holger Stork, Achim Gaedke
Created: January 2005
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "drivers/tempcont.h"
\defgroup eurotherm2000series Eurotherm 2000 Series
\ingroup drivers
\brief remote control over serial interface
Wiring the serial interface is explained in Series 2000 Communications Handbook, Chapter 2.7.
This handbook is online available at http://www.eurotherm.com/comms/instcom.htm
The implemented EI-Bisync Protocol is described in caphter 4, the used parameter names are taken from Chapter 5
special exception for Eurotherm 2000 drivers
class Eurotherm2000Series_error: public tempcont_error
explicit Eurotherm2000Series_error(const std::string& msg) throw (): tempcont_error(msg) {}
explicit Eurotherm2000Series_error(const char* msg) throw (): tempcont_error(msg) {}
virtual ~Eurotherm2000Series_error() throw () {}
virtual const std::string prefix() const { return "ERROR (Eurotherm2000Series_error): "; }
this class communicates with Eurotherm 2200 Series temperature controlers
the contolers must be set to a known address, the serial line uses 19200baud, 7bit characters and even parity
there are various timeouts, that are hardcoded to detect transmition failures
class Eurotherm2000Series: public tempcont
file descriptor for serial device with Eurotherm controler
int serial_dev;
device address, which must be set in Eurotherm device
int address;
serial device name
std::string device_name;
mask defining severe failures (abort of program could be triggered)
int failure_mask;
all these strange data formats of Bisynch: float values
std::string fp_format;
all these strange data formats of Bisynch: integer values with dot!
std::string int_format;
all these strange data formats of Bisynch: hexadecimal values
std::string hex_format;
reads a value from Eurotherm
void read_value(const std::string& param_name, std::string& return_value) const;
sends a value to Eurotherm
int set_value(const std::string& param_name, const std::string& value);
send a list of configuration commands to eurotherm, make sure, that nobody uses eurotherm when calling this function
the configuration time is quite long (5 to 10 seconds) because of full device reset
void configure(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& config);
void reset();
\brief initialise serial interface, test device communication, configure eurotherm
\param dev_name absolute path name of serial device used for communication
\param dev_address of Eurotherm device (to be set manualy in Eurotherm configuration)
\param failure_status_mask mask for status sumary to detect failures, see get_summary_status method
sets up the communication, configures Eurotherm2000 to <20>K and nnn.n display format, tests the sensor and starts temperature history
Eurotherm2000Series(const std::string& dev_name = std::string("/dev/ttyS0"), int dev_address = 1, int failure_status_mask = 32);
virtual ~Eurotherm2000Series();
get the actual temperature
virtual double get_temperature() const;
set temperature setpoint value
\return temperature, that is set
virtual double set_setpoint(double temperature);
get temperature setpoint value
\return temperature, that is set
virtual double get_setpoint() const;
returns summary for eurotherm as hexadecimal value
the bits meanings are:
0: Alarm 1 State
1: Alarm 2 State
2: Alarm 3 State
3: Alarm 4 State
4: Manual Mode
5: Sensor Break
6: Loop Break
7: Heater Fail
8: Load Fail
9: Ramp/Program Complete
10: Process Variable out of Range
11: SSR Fail
12: New Alarm
13: Remote Input Sensor Break
virtual int get_summary_status() const;
get the low and high limits for setpoints
virtual void get_setpoint_limits(double& min, double& max) const;
#endif /* EUROTHERM2000SERIES_H */