2014-08-01 14:18:05 +00:00

274 lines
6.5 KiB

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <cerrno>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <core/stopwatch.h>
#include <drivers/pulsegen.h>
#ifndef SP_DEBUG
# define SP_DEBUG 0
class SpinCorePulseBlaster_error: public pulse_exception
explicit SpinCorePulseBlaster_error(const std::string& msg) throw (): pulse_exception(msg) {}
explicit SpinCorePulseBlaster_error(const char* msg) throw (): pulse_exception(msg) {}
virtual ~SpinCorePulseBlaster_error() throw () {}
virtual const std::string prefix() const { return "ERROR (SpinCorePulseBlaster_error): "; }
#if !( defined(__linux__)||defined(__CYGWIN__))
# error "Sorry, we are not prepared for this target!"
#ifdef __linux__
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include "pulseblaster.h"
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
# include <windows.h>
class SpinCorePulseBlasterLowlevel {
# ifdef __linux__
device file handle
int device_file_descriptor;
# endif
# ifdef __CYGWIN__
the loaded dll
the pulseblaster communication function sp_outp
\param address address register in board's internal memory
\param value value to store
__attribute__((stdcall)) int (*sp_outp)(unsigned short address, int value);
the pulseblaster communication function sp_inp
\param address addres register in board's internal memory
__attribute__((stdcall)) int (*sp_inp)(unsigned short address);
initialisation of the Pulseblaster board
__attribute__((stdcall)) int (*sp_Init)();
close access to Pulseblaster board
__attribute__((stdcall)) int (*sp_Close)();
#ifdef __linux__
inline int write_register(int reg, int data) {
int result=ioctl(device_file_descriptor,IOCTL_OUTB,(reg&0xff)<<8|(data&0xff));
if (result==-1) throw SpinCorePulseBlaster_error(std::string("write_register: ioctl error \"")+strerror(errno)+"\"");
if (result!=0) {
char errorno[256];
snprintf(errorno, 256, "%d",result);
throw SpinCorePulseBlaster_error(std::string("write_register: ioctl returned nonzero value = ")+errorno);
return result;
writes data to pulseblaster device
care about buffer length and write in chunks to avoid freeze of user space
int write_data(const unsigned char* data, size_t size);
inline int read_register(int reg) {
int result=ioctl(device_file_descriptor,IOCTL_INB, reg&0xff);
if (result==-1) throw SpinCorePulseBlaster_error(std::string("write_register: ioctl error \"")+strerror(errno)+"\"");
if (result<0) throw SpinCorePulseBlaster_error("read_register: ioctl returned nonzero value");
return result;
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
inline int write_register(unsigned int reg, unsigned int data) {
int result=sp_outp(reg,data);
fprintf(stderr, "sp_outp(0x%02x,0x%02x)\n",reg,data);
if (result!=0) throw SpinCorePulseBlaster_error("write_register returned nonzero value");
return result;
inline int write_data(const unsigned char* data, size_t size) {
int result=0;
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<size && result==0; ++i) {
if (result!=0) throw SpinCorePulseBlaster_error("write_data: error while writing");
return i;
inline int read_register(int reg) {
int result=sp_inp(reg);
if (result<0) throw SpinCorePulseBlaster_error("read_register: error while reading");
return result;
inline int write_data(const std::string& data) {
return write_data((const unsigned char*)data.c_str(),data.size());
class PulseBlasterProgram;
class SpinCorePulseBlaster: protected SpinCorePulseBlasterLowlevel, public pulsegen {
clock in Hz
double clock;
shortest pulse in clock cycles
unsigned int shortest_pulse;
maximum number of commands
unsigned int max_commands;
command/flags wordlength
unsigned int command_length;
is started with pulse program
stopwatch time_running;
expected duration in seconds, nonzero if pulseprogram is running
double duration;
id of ttlout sections affecting this device
int ttl_device_id;
bit mask to set while WAIT command for synchronization is executed
no synchronization when zero.
unsigned int sync_mask;
enum opcode {CONTINUE=0, STOP=1, LOOP=2, END_LOOP=3, JSR=4, RTS=5, BRANCH=6, LONG_DELAY=7, WAIT=8};
status codes retured by get_status function
they are combinable like bit masks
enum statuscode { STOPPED=1<<0, /// Bit 0 - Stopped
RESET=1<<1, /// Bit 1 - Reset
RUNNING=1<<2, /// Bit 2 - Running
WAITING=1<<3, /// Bit 3 - Waiting
SCANNING=1<<4 /// Bit 4 - Scanning (RadioProcessor boards only)
SpinCorePulseBlaster(int c_length, double the_clock) {
void reset_flags(unsigned int flags=0);
inline void set_initialized() {
starts execution of pulseprogram, needs an initialized pulseblaster
inline void start() {
stops execution of pulseprogram
inline void stop() {
returns status information of pulseblaster board
\return status 1: stopped, 2: reset, 4: running, 8: waiting
inline int get_status() {
return read_register(0);
void set_program(const std::string& data);
run a experiment given as state sequence
virtual void run_pulse_program(state& exp) {
run_pulse_program_w_sync(exp, 0);
run a experiment given as state sequence, but optionally synchronize sequence start with ADC sampling clock
virtual void run_pulse_program_w_sync(state& exp, double sync_freq=0);
needed by run_pulse_program method
virtual PulseBlasterProgram* create_program(state& exp)=0;
needed by run_pulse_program method
virtual void run_pulse_program(const PulseBlasterProgram& p)=0;
wait till end of pulseprogram
virtual void wait_till_end();