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#ifndef _tiepie
#define _tiepie
* This file contains the declarations for the low level routines
* for the TiePie engineering instrument dll's
#include <windows.h>
* declarations to match pascal-types to c-types
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned int dword;
typedef unsigned short int word;
typedef signed long int integer;
* The instruments
typedef enum { dtHandyprobe2,
} TDeviceTypes;
* Error-codes
#define E_NO_ERRORS 0x0000
#define E_NO_HARDWARE 0x0001
#define E_NOT_INITIALISED 0x0002
#define E_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0004
#define E_NO_GENERATOR 0x0008
#define E_INVALID_CHANNEL 0x0010
#define E_INVALID_VALUE 0x0020
* channel indicators
#define Ch1 1
#define Ch2 2
#define Ch3 3
#define Ch4 4
* Measure mode settings
* When measuring more chanels, simply add the required constants together : e.g. mmCh1 + mmCh2 to measure both Ch1 and Ch2
#define mmCh1 1
#define mmCh2 2
#define mmCh3 4
#define mmCh4 8
#define mmCh12 3
* Coupling settings
#define ctAC 0
#define ctDC 1
* Trigger sources
#define tsCh1 0
#define tsCh2 1
#define tsCh3 2
#define tsCh4 3
#define tsExternal 4
#define tsAnalogExt 5
#define tsAnd 6
#define tsOr 7
#define tsXor 8
#define tsNoTrig 9
#define tsNeverTRig 10 // not used
#define tsPxiExt 11
#define tsGenStart 12
#define tsGenStop 13
#define tsGenNew 14
* Trigger modes
#define tmRising 0
#define tmFalling 1
#define tmInWindow 2
#define tmOutWindow 3
#define tmTVLine 4
#define tmTVFrameOdd 5
#define tmTVFrameEven 6
* Function generator signal types
#define stSine 0
#define stTriangle 1
#define stSquare 2
#define stDC 3
#define stNoise 4
#define stArbitrary 5
* Transfer mode constants
#define tmBlock 0
#define tmStream 1
* Event message identifiers
#define DLLTransUpDate 1
#define DLLTransReady 2
bool _export OpenDLL( TDeviceTypes Device );
bool _export CloseDLL( void );
* Declarations for functions from dynamically loaded librarie(s)
* Open / Close the instrument
typedef word (WINAPI *INITINSTRUMENT ) (word ); extern word (__stdcall *InitInstrument ) (word );
typedef word (WINAPI *EXITINSTRUMENT ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *ExitInstrument ) (void );
* Information retrieval
typedef word (WINAPI *GETCALIBRATIONDATE ) (dword* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetCalibrationDate ) (dword* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETSERIALNUMBER ) (dword* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetSerialNumber ) (dword* );
typedef dword (WINAPI *GETMAXSAMPLEFREQUENCY ) (void ); extern dword (__stdcall *GetMaxSampleFrequency ) (void );
typedef dword (WINAPI *GETMAXRECORDLENGTH ) (void ); extern dword (__stdcall *GetMaxRecordLength ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETDCLEVELSTATUS ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *GetDCLevelStatus ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETSQUAREWAVEGENSTATUS ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *GetSquareWaveGenStatus ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCTIONGENSTATUS ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFunctionGenStatus ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCGENMAXAMPLITUDE ) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFuncGenMaxAmplitude ) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETAVAILABLERESOLUTIONS ) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetAvailableResolutions ) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETAVAILABLESENSITIVITIES) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetAvailableSensitivities) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETNRCHANNELS ) (word* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetNrChannels ) (word* );
* Controlling the input resolution
typedef word (WINAPI *GETRESOLUTION ) (byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetResolution ) (byte* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETRESOLUTION ) (byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetResolution ) (byte );
* Control which channels are measured
typedef word (WINAPI *GETMEASUREMODE ) (byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetMeasureMode ) (byte* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETMEASUREMODE ) (byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetMeasureMode ) (byte );
* Perform a measurement
typedef word (WINAPI *STARTMEASUREMENT ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *StartMeasurement ) (void );
* Retrieve the measured data
typedef word (WINAPI *GETMEASUREMENTRAW ) (word*, word* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetMeasurementRaw ) (word*, word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETONEMEASUREMENTRAW ) (dword, word*, word* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetOneMeasurementRaw ) (dword, word*, word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETMEASUREMENT ) (double*, double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetMeasurement ) (double*, double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETONEMEASUREMENT ) (dword, double*, double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetOneMeasurement ) (dword, double*, double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETDIGITALINPUTVALUES ) (word* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetDigitalInputValues ) (word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETONEDIGITALVALUE ) (dword, word* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetOneDigitalValue ) (dword, word* );
* Advanced measurement routines
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_START ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_Start ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_RUNNING ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_Running ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_ABORT ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_Abort ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_TRIGGERED ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_Triggered ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_READY ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_Ready ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_FORCETRIG ) (void ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_ForceTrig ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_GETDATA ) (word*, word* ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_GetData ) (word*, word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_GETDATAVOLT ) (double*, double* ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_GetDataVolt ) (double*, double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_GETDATACH ) (word, word* ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_GetDataCh ) (word, word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *ADC_GETDATAVOLTCH ) (word, double* ); extern word (__stdcall *ADC_GetDataVoltCh ) (word, double* );
* streaming measurements
typedef word (WINAPI *SETRECEIVERHANDLE ) (HWND ); extern word (__stdcall *SetReceiverHandle ) (HWND );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETMESSAGEID ) (dword, dword* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetMessageID ) (dword, dword* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETTRANSFERMODE ) (dword ); extern word (__stdcall *SetTransferMode ) (dword );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETTRANSFERMODE ) (dword* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetTransferMode ) (dword* );
* Control the time base
typedef dword (WINAPI *GETRECORDLENGTH ) (void ); extern dword (__stdcall *GetRecordLength ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETRECORDLENGTH ) (dword ); extern word (__stdcall *SetRecordLength ) (dword );
typedef dword (WINAPI *GETPOSTSAMPLES ) (void ); extern dword (__stdcall *GetPostSamples ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETPOSTSAMPLES ) (dword ); extern word (__stdcall *SetPostSamples ) (dword );
typedef dword (WINAPI *GETSAMPLEFREQUENCY ) (void ); extern dword (__stdcall *GetSampleFrequency ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETSAMPLEFREQUENCY ) (dword* ); extern word (__stdcall *SetSampleFrequency ) (dword* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETEXTERNALCLOCK ) (word* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetExternalClock ) (word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETEXTERNALCLOCK ) (word ); extern word (__stdcall *SetExternalClock ) (word );
* Control the analog input channels
typedef word (WINAPI *SETSENSITIVITY ) (byte, double*); extern word (__stdcall *SetSensitivity ) (byte, double*);
typedef word (WINAPI *GETSENSITIVITY ) (byte, double*); extern word (__stdcall *GetSensitivity ) (byte, double*);
typedef word (WINAPI *GETCOUPLING ) (byte, byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetCoupling ) (byte, byte* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETCOUPLING ) (byte, byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetCoupling ) (byte, byte );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETDCLEVEL ) (byte, double*); extern word (__stdcall *GetDcLevel ) (byte, double*);
typedef word (WINAPI *SETDCLEVEL ) (byte, double ); extern word (__stdcall *SetDcLevel ) (byte, double );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETAUTORANGING ) (byte, byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetAutoRanging ) (byte, byte* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETAUTORANGING ) (byte, byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetAutoRanging ) (byte, byte );
* Control the trigger system
typedef word (WINAPI *GETTRIGGERSOURCE ) (byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetTriggerSource ) (byte* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETTRIGGERSOURCE ) (byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetTriggerSource ) (byte );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETTRIGGERMODE ) (byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetTriggerMode ) (byte* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETTRIGGERMODE ) (byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetTriggerMode ) (byte );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETTRIGGERLEVEL ) (byte, double*); extern word (__stdcall *GetTriggerLevel ) (byte, double*);
typedef word (WINAPI *SETTRIGGERLEVEL ) (byte, double ); extern word (__stdcall *SetTriggerLevel ) (byte, double );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETTRIGGERHYS ) (byte, double*); extern word (__stdcall *GetTriggerHys ) (byte, double*);
typedef word (WINAPI *SETTRIGGERHYS ) (byte, double ); extern word (__stdcall *SetTriggerHys ) (byte, double );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETPXITRIGGERENABLES ) (byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetPXITriggerEnables ) (byte );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETPXITRIGGERENABLES ) (byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetPXITriggerEnables ) (byte* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETPXITRIGGERSLOPES ) (byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetPXITriggerSlopes ) (byte );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETPXITRIGGERSLOPES ) (byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetPXITriggerSlopes ) (byte* );
typedef dword (WINAPI *GETTRIGGERTIMEOUT ) (void ); extern dword (__stdcall *GetTriggerTimeOut ) (void );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETTRIGGERTIMEOUT ) (dword ); extern word (__stdcall *SetTriggerTimeOut ) (dword );
* Control the digital outputs
typedef word (WINAPI *SETDIGITALOUTPUTS ) (byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetDigitalOutputs ) (byte );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETDIGITALOUTPUTS ) (byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetDigitalOutputs ) (byte* );
* Control the Square Wave Generator
typedef word (WINAPI *SETSQUAREWAVEGENFREQUENCY) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *SetSquareWaveGenFrequency) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETSQUAREWAVEGENFREQUENCY) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetSquareWaveGenFrequency) (double* );
* Control the Arbitrary Waveform Generator
typedef word (WINAPI *SETFUNCGENSIGNALTYPE ) (word ); extern word (__stdcall *SetFuncGenSignalType ) (word );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCGENSIGNALTYPE ) (word* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFuncGenSignalType ) (word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETFUNCGENAMPLITUDE ) (double ); extern word (__stdcall *SetFuncGenAmplitude ) (double );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCGENAMPLITUDE ) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFuncGenAmplitude ) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETFUNCGENDCOFFSET ) (double ); extern word (__stdcall *SetFuncGenDCOffset ) (double );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCGENDCOFFSET ) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFuncGenDCOffset ) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETFUNCGENSYMMETRY ) (double ); extern word (__stdcall *SetFuncGenSymmetry ) (double );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCGENSYMMETRY ) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFuncGenSymmetry ) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETFUNCGENFREQUENCY ) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *SetFuncGenFrequency ) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCGENFREQUENCY ) (double* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFuncGenFrequency ) (double* );
typedef word (WINAPI *FILLFUNCGENMEMORY ) (dword, word* ); extern word (__stdcall *FillFuncGenMemory ) (dword, word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETFUNCGENOUTPUTON ) (word ); extern word (__stdcall *SetFuncGenOutputOn ) (word );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCGENOUTPUTON ) (word* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFuncGenOutputOn ) (word* );
typedef word (WINAPI *FUNCGENBURST ) (word ); extern word (__stdcall *FuncGenBurst ) (word );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETFUNCGENTRIGSOURCE ) (byte ); extern word (__stdcall *SetFuncGenTrigSource ) (byte );
typedef word (WINAPI *GETFUNCGENTRIGSOURCE ) (byte* ); extern word (__stdcall *GetFuncGenTrigSource ) (byte* );
typedef word (WINAPI *SETINSTRUMENTCONFIG ) (word ); extern word (__stdcall *SetInstrumentConfig ) (word );