# -*- encoding: utf8 -*- from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg from PyQt4.QtCore import * import CustomWidgets from mathlib import id_to_color, FitFunctionCreator, Functions import libyaff class Data: def __init__(self, frequency=np.zeros(1), die_real=np.zeros(1), die_imag=np.zeros(1)): self.frequency = frequency self.epsilon = die_real + 1j * die_imag self.frequency_fit = frequency self.epsilon_fit = die_real*0 + 1j * die_imag*0 myPen_imag = pg.mkPen(width=3, color=(255,255,127)) myPen_real = pg.mkPen(width=3, color=(51,255,127)) self.data_curve_imag = pg.PlotDataItem(x=[np.nan], y=[np.nan],pen=QColor(0,0,0,0), symbol='o', symbolBrush=(255,127,0,127)) self.data_curve_real = pg.PlotDataItem(x=[np.nan], y=[np.nan],pen=QColor(0,0,0,0), symbol='s', symbolBrush=(119,202,92,127)) self.fitted_curve_imag = pg.PlotDataItem(np.array([np.nan]), np.array([np.nan]), pen=myPen_imag) self.fitted_curve_real = pg.PlotDataItem(np.array([np.nan]), np.array([np.nan]), pen=myPen_real) self.length = len(frequency) self.meta = dict() self.fit_limits = [frequency.min(), frequency.max(), die_imag.min(), die_imag.max()] self.fit_param = None self.fit_funcs = None # list of fit functions self.hide_funcs = None # remove these func from the data def set_fit(self, param, funcs): self.fit_funcs = funcs self.hide_funcs = [] self.fit_param = param fit_real, fit_imag = FitFunctionCreator().fitfcn(param, self.frequency_fit, *funcs) self.epsilon_fit = fit_real + 1j*fit_imag def set_data(self,f,e_real,e_imag): self.frequency = f self.epsilon = e_real + 1j*e_imag self.epsilon_fit = 0*e_real + 1j*e_imag*0 self.fit_limits = [f.min(), f.max(), e_imag.min(), e_imag.max()] self.data_curve_imag.setData(f,e_imag) self.data_curve_real.setData(f,e_real) def set_fit_xlimits(self, xmin, xmax): self.fit_limits[0] = xmin self.fit_limits[1] = xmax self.frequency_fit = self.frequency[(self.frequency <= xmax) & (self.frequency >= xmin)] def set_fit_ylimits(self, ymin, ymax): self.fit_limits[2] = ymin self.fit_limits[3] = ymax def get_data(self): #mask = np.ones(len(self.frequency), dtype='bool') mask = (self.frequency > self.fit_limits[0]) & (self.frequency < self.fit_limits[1]) #mask &= (self.epsilon.imag > self.fit_limits[2]) & (self.epsilon.imag < self.fit_limits[3]) return self.frequency[mask], self.epsilon[mask] def remove_curves(self): print "remove data_curve" #if self.data_curve is not None: self.data_curve.remove() print "remove fitted_curve" #if self.fitted_curve is not None: self.fitted_curve.remove() class BaseObject(QObject): changedData = pyqtSignal() removeObj = pyqtSignal(QObject) def __init__(self, plt_real=None, plt_imag=None, limits=None): super(BaseObject, self).__init__() myPen = pg.mkPen( style=Qt.DotLine, width=2.5) self.data_curve_real = pg.PlotDataItem(x=np.array([np.nan]),y=np.array([np.nan]), pen=myPen) self.plt_real = plt_real self.plt_real.addItem(self.data_curve_real) self.data_curve_imag = pg.PlotDataItem(x=np.array([np.nan]),y=np.array([np.nan]), pen=myPen) self.plt_imag = plt_imag self.plt_imag.addItem(self.data_curve_imag) self.limits = limits # private varaibles self.functions = Functions() self._color = QColor("white") self._id = None self._widget = None self._frequency = np.logspace(np.log10(limits[0]), np.log10(limits[1]), 256) self._data = None self._func = None self._beta = None self._sd_beta = None self._selector_mask = None self._param_number = 0 @property def param_number(self): return self._param_number @param_number.setter def param_number(self, num): self._param_number = num @property def id_string(self): return self._id @id_string.setter def id_string(self, id): #self._func = self.functions.get_function(id) self._func = self.function self._id = id @property def color(self): return self._color @color.setter def color(self, c): self._color = c self.data_curve_real.setPen(c) self.data_curve_imag.setPen(c) @property def widget(self): return self._widget @widget.setter def widget(self, wdgt): self._widget = wdgt self._widget.changedTable.connect(self.updateData) # TODO better to use self.setParameter self._widget.removeMe.connect(self.removeMe) def getParameter(self): p = self.widget.getTable() # TODO ugly ... should return self._beta etc ...? return p def getFixed(self): p = self.widget.fixedParameter() return p def setParameter(self, beta, sd_beta=None): self._beta = beta self._sd_beta = sd_beta self.widget.updateTable(beta, sd_beta) self.updateData() def get_data(self): return self._frequency, self._data def removeMe(self): self.plt_imag.removeItem(self.data_curve_imag) self.plt_real.removeItem(self.data_curve_real) self.removeObj.emit(self) self.changedData.emit() def updateData(self): self._data = self._func(self.getParameter(), self._frequency) self.data_curve_real.setData(x=self._frequency, y=self._data[0]) self.data_curve_imag.setData(x=self._frequency, y=self._data[1]) self.changedData.emit() def clearData(self): self.data_curve_real.setData(x=[np.nan], y=[np.nan]) self.data_curve_imag.setData(x=[np.nan], y=[np.nan]) def function(self,p,x): raise NotImplementedError, "This needs to be implemented in your subclass" class Conductivity(BaseObject): def __init__( self, plt_imag=None, plt_real=None, limits=None ): super(Conductivity, self).__init__(plt_real=plt_real, plt_imag=plt_imag, limits=limits) self.widget = CustomWidgets.ConductivityWidget() self.color = QColor("blue") self.id_string = "Cond." self.param_number = 3 def function(self, p, x ): om = 2*np.pi*x sgma, isgma, n = p cond = sgma/(om**n) + isgma/(1j*om**n) # Jonscher (Universal Dielectric Response: e",e' prop sigma/omega**n cplx = np.array([cond.real, -cond.imag]) return cplx class PowerComplex(BaseObject): def __init__( self, plt_real=None, plt_imag=None, limits=None ): super(PowerComplex, self).__init__(plt_real=plt_real, plt_imag=plt_imag, limits=limits) self.widget = CustomWidgets.PowerLawWidget() self.color = QColor("#ff44c4") self.id_string = 'Power Law' self.param_number = 2 def function( self, p, x ): om = 2*np.pi*x sgma,n = p power = sgma/(om*1j)**n cplx = np.array([power.real, -power.imag]) return cplx class Static(BaseObject): def __init__( self, plt_real=None, plt_imag=None, limits=None ): super(Static, self).__init__(plt_real=plt_real, plt_imag=plt_imag, limits=limits) self.widget = CustomWidgets.StaticWidget() self.color = QColor('#FF0F13') self.id_string = u'ε(∞)' self.param_number = 1 def function( self, p, x ): eps_inf = p[0] static = np.ones( (2,x.size) )*eps_inf static[1,:] *= 0 # set imag part zero return static class Peak(BaseObject): def __init__( self, id_num=None, plt_real=None, plt_imag=None, limits=None ): super(Peak, self).__init__(plt_real=plt_real, plt_imag=plt_imag, limits=limits) self.widget = CustomWidgets.PeakWidget() self.widget.setId(id_num) self.color = id_to_color(id_num) self.widget.setColor(self.color) self.id_num = id_num self.id_string = "hn" self.param_number = 4 def function( self, p, x ): eps,t,a,b = p om = 2*np.pi*x hn = eps/(1+(1j*om*t)**a)**b cplx = np.array([hn.real, -hn.imag]) return cplx class YAFF(BaseObject): def __init__( self, plt_real=None, plt_imag=None, limits=None ): super(YAFF, self).__init__(plt_real=plt_real, plt_imag=plt_imag, limits=limits) self.widget = CustomWidgets.YaffWidget() self.widget.on_model_changed.connect(self.change_model) self.color = QColor(32, 120, 29, int(255*0.82)) self._libyaff = libyaff.Yaff(self.widget.getYaffType()) self.id_string = self._libyaff.label self._param_number = self._libyaff.params self._selector_mask = self.widget.selector_mask @property def param_number(self): return self._param_number @param_number.setter def param_number(self, num=None): self._param_number = self._libyaff.params def change_model(self): self._libyaff = libyaff.Yaff(self.widget.getYaffType()) self._selector_mask = self.widget.selector_mask self.id_string = self._libyaff.label self.param_number = self._libyaff.params self.updateData() def function( self, p, x ): ya = self._libyaff.loss( p, x) cplx = np.array([ya.imag, ya.real]) return cplx