245 lines
7.9 KiB
245 lines
7.9 KiB
__author__ = 'markusro'
from numpy import *
import multiprocessing
from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QObject
import scipy.special
import scipy.integrate
#define norm1(a,b) exp(gammln(b/a))/(a*pow(b/a,b/a))
#define glntau1(x,t,a,b) exp( -exp( (log(x)-log(t))*a )*b/a) * pow(x/t,b)
def filon(oms, unsorted_x,unsorted_y):
x = unsorted_x[unsorted_x.argsort()]
y = unsorted_y[unsorted_x.argsort()]
amps = zeros(oms.size, dtype='complex')
for i,om in enumerate(oms):
amps[i] = sum(diff(y)/diff(x)*(cos(om*x[1:])-cos(om*x[:-1])))/om**2
amps[i] += 1j*( - sum(diff(y)/diff(x)*(sin(om*x[1:])-sin(om*x[:-1])))/om**2)
return amps
class PhiT:
def __init__(self, dist_x, dist_y):
self.dist_x = dist_x
self.dist_y = dist_y
def __call__(self, ts):
phis = zeros(ts.size)
for i,t in enumerate(ts):
kern = self.dist_y*exp(-t/self.dist_x)
phis[i] = scipy.integrate.simps(kern, log(self.dist_x))
return phis
class Yaff(QObject):
step_signal = pyqtSignal(list)
def __init__(self, dist_type=0):
self._dist_tau = logspace(-12,6,512)
self.dist_y = zeros(self.dist_tau.size)
self._time_points = logspace(-10,5,512*2)
yaff = [
(self.yaff_gg, "GG"),
(self.yaff_gge, "GGe"),
(self.yaff, "GG + GGb"),
(self.yaff_extended, "GGe + GGb"),
self.loss, self.label = yaff[dist_type]
self.params = 10
def time_points(self):
return self._time_points
def time_points(self, t_list):
tmin, tmax, num = t_list
tmi,tma = tmin, tmax
self._time_points = logspace(log10(tmi), log10(tma), num)
def dist_tau(self):
return self._dist_tau
def dist_tau(self, tau_list):
tmin, tmax, num = tau_list
tmi,tma = tmin, tmax
self._dist_tau = logspace(log10(tmi), log10(tma), num)
def gg(self, p, tau):
tau0, a, b = p
Generalized Gamma function
NGG = a * (b/a)**(b/a) / scipy.special.gamma(b/a)
#g = exp(-b/a*exp( (log(tau)-log(tau0))*a))*(tau/tau0)**b
g = exp(-b/a*exp( (log(tau)-log(tau0))*a))*(tau/tau0)**b
return g*NGG
def ggb(self, p, tau):
tau0,a,b = p
norm_ggb = a*(1+b)/pi *b**(b/(1+b)) * sin(pi*b/(1+b))
g = (b*exp( (log(tau)-log(tau0)) *a) + exp( (log(tau)-log(tau0))*(-a*b)))**(-1)
return norm_ggb*g
def gg_hw(self, p ,tau):
tau0, a, b, s,g = p
Generalized Gamma function with HF wing.
s gives the onset of the wing in units of tau0, i.e. 100 means 100*tau0 or two decades later
g is the slope of the wing, smaller than b; if not the slope will be b
NGG = a * (b/a)**(b/a) / ( scipy.special.gamma(b/a) + s**(g-b)*(a/b)**((g-b)/a)* scipy.special.gamma(g/a) )
g = exp(-b/a*exp((log(tau) - log(tau0))*a))*(tau/tau0)**b * (1 + (tau*s/tau0)**(g-b))
return g*NGG
def dist_to_eps(omegas,dist_x,dist_y):
epp = zeros(len(omegas), dtype='complex')
for i,om in enumerate(omegas):
kern_imag = dist_y*om*dist_x/(1+(om*dist_x)**2)
kern_real = dist_y/(1+(om*dist_x)**2)
epp[i] = scipy.integrate.simps(kern_real,log(dist_x))
epp[i] += 1j*scipy.integrate.simps(kern_imag,log(dist_x))
return epp
# serial version
def dist_to_relax_(self, ts,dist_x,dist_y):
phi = zeros(len(ts))
for i,t in enumerate(ts):
phi[i] = self.phi_t(t,dist_x,dist_y)
return phi
# parallel version
def dist_to_relax(self, ts,dist_x,dist_y):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
num_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
ts_chunks = array_split(ts,num_cpus)
result = pool.map(PhiT(dist_x,dist_y), ts_chunks )
return concatenate(result)
def phi_t(self, t, dist_x, dist_y):
kern = dist_y*exp(-t/dist_x)
phi = scipy.integrate.simps(kern,log(dist_x))
return phi
def williams_watts(self, phi_1, phi_2, lambd):
return phi_1 * ( (1-lambd) + lambd*phi_2)
def yaff2(self, p, x):
GGe+G b ---> GG+GB - lambda determined by p
delta_eps, s_c, tau1,a1,b1, g,s, tau2, a2, b2 = p
p_ggb = tau2,a2,b2
lambd = 2*g/pi*a1*(b1/a1)**(b1/a1)
lambd /= scipy.special.gamma(b1/a1)*s**(b1-g) + (a1/b1)**((g-b1)/a1)*scipy.special.gamma(g/a1)
print "LAMBDA:",lambd,a1,b1,g,s
dist_ggb = self.ggb(p_ggb, dist_t)
phi_beta = self.dist_to_relax(ts, dist_t, dist_ggb ).real
phi_alpha = self.dist_to_relax(ts, dist_t, self.gg_hw(p_gghw, dist_t)).real
phi_tot = (1-lambd) + lambd*phi_beta
phi_tot *= phi_alpha
epp = delta_eps*2*pi*x*filon(2*pi*x, ts, phi_tot ).real
epp += s_c/(2*pi*x)
return epp
def yaff_extended(self, p,x, cb=None):
delta_eps, tau1, a1, b1, lambd, tau2, a2, b2, s, g = p
dist_ggb = self.ggb(p=[tau2,a2,b2], tau=self.dist_tau)
dist_gg = self.gg_hw (p=[tau1,a1,b1,s,g], tau=self.dist_tau)
#ts = logspace(-10,5,512*2)
self.dist_y = dist_ggb
phi_beta = self.dist_to_relax(self.time_points, self.dist_tau, self.dist_y).real
self.dist_y = dist_gg
phi_alpha = self.dist_to_relax(self.time_points, self.dist_tau, self.dist_y).real
# William-Watts-Ansatz
phi_tot = (1-lambd) + lambd*phi_beta
phi_tot *= phi_alpha
epp = delta_eps*2*pi*x*filon(2*pi*x, self.time_points, phi_tot)
return epp
def yaff(self, p,x, cb=None):
delta_eps, tau1, a1, b1, lambd, tau2, a2, b2, s, g = p
dist_ggb = self.ggb(p=[tau2,a2,b2], tau=self.dist_tau)
dist_gg = self.gg (p=[tau1,a1,b1], tau=self.dist_tau)
#ts = logspace(-10,5,512*2)
self.dist_y = dist_ggb
phi_beta = self.dist_to_relax(self.time_points, self.dist_tau, self.dist_y).real
self.dist_y = dist_gg
phi_alpha = self.dist_to_relax(self.time_points, self.dist_tau, self.dist_y).real
# William-Watts-Ansatz
phi_tot = (1-lambd) + lambd*phi_beta
phi_tot *= phi_alpha
epp = delta_eps*2*pi*x*filon(2*pi*x, self.time_points, phi_tot)
return epp
def yaff_gg(self, p,x, cb=None):
delta_eps, tau1, a1, b1, lambd, tau2, a2, b2, s, g = p
#ts = logspace(-10,5,512*2)
dist_gg = self.gg(p=[tau1,a1,b1], tau=self.dist_tau)
self.dist_y = dist_gg
phi_alpha = self.dist_to_relax(self.time_points, self.dist_tau, self.dist_y).real
epp = delta_eps*2*pi*x*filon(2*pi*x, self.time_points, phi_alpha )
return epp
def yaff_gge(self, p,x):
delta_eps, tau1, a1, b1, lambd, tau2, a2, b2, s, g = p
#ts = logspace(-10,5,512*2)
dist_gg = self.gg_hw(p=[tau1, a1, b1, s, g], tau=self.dist_tau)
self.dist_y = dist_gg
phi_alpha = self.dist_to_relax(self.time_points, self.dist_tau, self.dist_y).real
epp = delta_eps*2*pi*x*filon(2*pi*x, self.time_points, phi_alpha )
return epp
def show_correlations(cov, ax):
cor = zeros(cov.shape)
for i in range(cor.shape[0]):
for j in range(cor.shape[1]):
if cov[i,i] == 0 or cov[j,j]==0:
cor[i,j] = 0
cor[i,j] = cov[i,j]/sqrt(cov[i,i]*cov[j,j])
ax.matshow(abs(cor), cmap=cm.RdYlGn)