FIXED:C bug polar_to_cartesian
This commit is contained in:
@ -576,9 +576,83 @@ def sweep_b_val(instr:pyvisa.resources.Resource, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
wl = np.array(loaded_files.wavelength)
np.savetxt("Wavelength.txt", wl)
# TODO: old function, DELETE LATER
# def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size):
# """_summary_
def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size):
# TODO: docs
# Args:
# radius (_type_): _description_
# start_angle (_type_): _description_
# end_angle (_type_): _description_
# step_size (_type_): _description_
# Returns:
# _type_: _description_
# """ """"""
# # Initialize lists to hold angles and (x, y) pairs
# angles = []
# coordinates = []
# # Normalize angles to the range [0, 360)
# start_angle = start_angle % 360
# end_angle = end_angle % 360
# # Calculate the clockwise and counterclockwise differences
# clockwise_diff = (start_angle - end_angle) % 360
# counterclockwise_diff = (end_angle - start_angle) % 360
# # Determine the shorter path
# if clockwise_diff <= counterclockwise_diff:
# # Clockwise is shorter
# current_angle = start_angle
# while current_angle >= end_angle:
# # Append the current angle to the angles list
# angles.append(current_angle % 360)
# # Convert the current angle to radians
# current_angle_rad = math.radians(current_angle % 360)
# # Convert polar to Cartesian coordinates
# x = radius * math.cos(current_angle_rad)
# y = radius * math.sin(current_angle_rad)
# # Append the (x, y) pair to the list
# coordinates.append((x, y))
# # Check if we've reached the end_angle
# if (current_angle ) % 360 == end_angle:
# break
# # Decrement the current angle by the step size
# current_angle -= step_size
# else:
# # Counterclockwise is shorter
# current_angle = start_angle
# while current_angle <= end_angle:
# # Append the current angle to the angles list
# angles.append(current_angle % 360)
# # Convert the current angle to radians
# current_angle_rad = math.radians(current_angle % 360)
# # Convert polar to Cartesian coordinates
# x = radius * math.cos(current_angle_rad)
# y = radius * math.sin(current_angle_rad)
# # Append the (x, y) pair to the list
# coordinates.append((x, y))
# # Check if we've reached the end_angle
# if (current_angle ) % 360 == end_angle:
# break
# # Increment the current angle by the step size
# current_angle += step_size
# return [angles, coordinates]
def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size, clockwise=True):
@ -586,6 +660,7 @@ def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size):
start_angle (_type_): _description_
end_angle (_type_): _description_
step_size (_type_): _description_
clockwise (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True.
_type_: _description_
@ -598,15 +673,10 @@ def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size):
start_angle = start_angle % 360
end_angle = end_angle % 360
# Calculate the clockwise and counterclockwise differences
clockwise_diff = (start_angle - end_angle) % 360
counterclockwise_diff = (end_angle - start_angle) % 360
# Determine the shorter path
if clockwise_diff <= counterclockwise_diff:
# Clockwise is shorter
if clockwise:
# Clockwise rotation
current_angle = start_angle
while current_angle >= end_angle:
while True:
# Append the current angle to the angles list
angles.append(current_angle % 360)
@ -620,16 +690,18 @@ def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size):
# Append the (x, y) pair to the list
coordinates.append((x, y))
# Check if we've reached the end_angle
if (current_angle ) % 360 == end_angle:
# Check if we've reached the end_angle (handling wrap-around) (current_angle - step_size) % 360 == end_angle or
if current_angle % 360 == end_angle:
# Decrement the current angle by the step size
current_angle -= step_size
if current_angle < 0:
current_angle += 360
# Counterclockwise is shorter
# Counterclockwise rotation
current_angle = start_angle
while current_angle <= end_angle:
while True:
# Append the current angle to the angles list
angles.append(current_angle % 360)
@ -643,12 +715,14 @@ def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size):
# Append the (x, y) pair to the list
coordinates.append((x, y))
# Check if we've reached the end_angle
if (current_angle ) % 360 == end_angle:
# Check if we've reached the end_angle (handling wrap-around) (current_angle + step_size) % 360 == end_angle or
if current_angle % 360 == end_angle:
# Increment the current angle by the step size
current_angle += step_size
if current_angle >= 360:
current_angle -= 360
return [angles, coordinates]
@ -695,19 +769,13 @@ def b_field_rotation(instr1:pyvisa.resources.Resource, instr2:pyvisa.resources.R
# initialise the sweep angle list as well as the sweep limits and directions for each instrument
instr1_lim, instr2_lim = 'LLIM', 'ULIM'
instr1_sweep, instr2_sweep = 'DOWN', 'UP'
angles_lst = np.arange(startangle, endangle + angle_stepsize, angle_stepsize) # TODO: check to see if this considers 0° crossover or not
# TODO: this does not consider 0° crossover, try to fix
anticlockwise_bool = True
angles, cartesian_coords = polar_to_cartesian(Babs, startangle, endangle, angle_stepsize) # create
if startangle > endangle:
# reverse list of angles, as well as the sweep limits and directions, for clockwise rotation
angles_lst = np.arange(startangle, endangle - angle_stepsize, - angle_stepsize)
# reverse sweep limits and directions for the clockwise rotation
instr1_lim, instr2_lim = instr2_lim, instr1_lim
instr1_sweep, instr2_sweep = instr2_sweep, instr1_sweep
anticlockwise_bool = False
# TODO: compare which device has the lower rates, save initial rates lists, then set both devices to the lower rates for each range
# then, set the initial values back
# list of rates (with units) for diff ranges of each device, only up to Range 1 for single power supply as that is already
# the max recommended current.
init_range_lst1 = list(sep_num_from_units(el) for el in query_no_echo(instr1, 'RATE? 0;RATE? 1;RATE? 2').split(';'))
@ -722,8 +790,41 @@ def b_field_rotation(instr1:pyvisa.resources.Resource, instr2:pyvisa.resources.R
write_no_echo(instr1, f'CHAN 2;ULIM {Babs*10};SWEEP UP') # sets to B_x, the B_x upper limit and sweeps the magnet field to the upper limit
print(f'SWEEPING B-X TO {Babs} T NOW')
# wait for Babs to be reached by the Bx field
actual_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr1, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1 # convert kG to T
print(f'Actual magnet strength (Bx): {actual_bval} T,', f'Target magnet strength: {Babs} T')
while abs(actual_bval - Babs) > 0.0001:
time.sleep(5) # little break
actual_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr1, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1
print(f'Actual magnet strength (Bx): {actual_bval} T,', f'Target magnet strength: {Babs} T')
# TODO: begin the rotation of the B-field, saving the spectrum for each angle, including the start- and end angles
# NOTE: implement PID control, possibly best option to manage the b field DO THIS LATER ON, WE DO DISCRETE B VALUES RN
# TODO: polar_to_cartesian does not work when the angle is 0°!!!! fix bug
# TODO: write the for loop for the rotation here
for idx, angle in enumerate(angles):
# # we acquire with the LF
# acquire_name_spe = f'{base_file_name}_{bval}T'
# AcquireAndLock(acquire_name_spe) #this creates a .spe file with the scan name.
# # read the .spe file and get the data as loaded_files
# cwd = os.getcwd() # save original directory
# os.chdir(path_save) #change directory
# loaded_files = sl.load_from_files([acquire_name_spe + '.spe']) # get the .spe file as a variable
# os.chdir(cwd) # go back to original directory
# # Delete the created .spe file from acquiring after getting necessary info
# spe_file_path = os.path.join(path_save, acquire_name_spe + '.spe')
# os.remove(spe_file_path)
# points_left = total_points - i - 1 # TODO: SEE IF THIS IS CORRECT
# print('Points left in the scan: ', points_left)
# #append the intensity data as it is (so after every #of_wl_points, the spectrum of the next point begins)
# intensity_data.append([0][0][0])
################################################################# END OF FUNCTION DEFS ###########################################################################################
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