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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Lightfield + Positioner
# Packages from Ryan
import re
import pyvisa
import threading
# from pyvisa import ResourceManager, constants
# B Field Limits (in T)
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ from System import String
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
from typing import Union
#First choose your controller
@ -351,19 +353,22 @@ def write_no_echo(instr:pyvisa.resources.Resource, command:str, sleeptime=0.01)-
except pyvisa.VisaIOError as e:
print(f"Error communicating with instrument: {e}")
# TODO: implement the reverse scan and zero when finish functionality
# receive values in units of T, rescale in kg to talk with the power supplyy. 1T = 10kG
# NOTE: removed singlepowersupply_bool, reading serial-nr. of the device instead.
# TODO: add a param to allow the
def sweep_b_val(instr:pyvisa.resources.Resource, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
res:float, Settings:str, base_file_name='', path_save="C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/2024_02_08_Map_test",
singlepowersupply_bool=False, reversescan_bool=False, zerowhenfin_bool=False)->None:
""" this function performs a sweep of the B field of the chosen magnet coil. It creates a list o B values from the given min and max values, with the given resolution. For each value, a measurement of the spectrum
of the probe in the cryostat is made, using the LightField spectrometer.
res:float, magnet_coil:str, Settings:str, base_file_name='', path_save="C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/2024_02_08_Map_test",
reversescan_bool=False, zerowhenfin_bool=False, loopscan_bool=False)->None:
# TODO: update docs in the end
""" this function performs a sweep of the B field of the chosen magnet coil. It creates a list o B values from the given min and max values,
with the given resolution. For each value, a measurement of the spectrum of the probe in the cryostat is made, using the LightField spectrometer.
instr (pyvisa.resources.Resource): chosen power supply device to connect to
min_bval (float): min B value of the scan (please input in units of Tesla)
max_bval (float): max B value of the scan (please input in units of Tesla)
res (float): resolution of the list of B values (please input in units of Tesla)
magnet_coil (str): select magnet coil to be used. String should be 'x-axis','y-axis' or 'z-axis'.
Settings (str): experiment settings, included in file name.
base_file_name (str, optional): base file name. Defaults to ''.
path_save (str, optional): file path where the file will be saved. Defaults to "C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/2024_02_08_Map_test".
@ -375,31 +380,69 @@ def sweep_b_val(instr:pyvisa.resources.Resource, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
ValueError: when By limit is exceeded.
ValueError: when Bz limit is exceeded.
ValueError: when Bx limit is exceeded.
ConnectionError: when no device is connected.
""" ''''''
def pyramid_list(lst) -> Union[list, np.ndarray]:
"""reverses the list and removes the first element of reversed list. Then, this is appended to
the end of the original list and returned as the 'pyramid' list.
lst (list or np.ndarray):
TypeError: if the input object isn't a list or np.ndarray
Union[list, np.ndarray]: the pyramid list
""" ''''''
if isinstance(lst, list):
return lst + lst[-2::-1]
elif isinstance(lst, np.ndarray):
return np.append(lst, lst[-2::-1])
raise TypeError('Please input a list!')
if base_file_name =='':
base_file_name ='%Y_%m_%d_%H.%M')
start_time = time.time()
start_time = time.time() # start of the scan function
instr_info = query_no_echo(instr, '*IDN?')
instr_bsettings = list(sep_num_from_units(el) for el in query_no_echo(instr, 'UNITS?;LLIM?;ULIM?').split(';')) # deliver a 3 element tuple of tuples containing the set unit, llim and ulim
if instr_bsettings[0][0] == 'T':
instr_bsettings[1][0] = instr_bsettings[1][0]*0.1 # rescale kG to T, device accepts values only in kG or A, eventho we set it to T
instr_bsettings[2][0] = instr_bsettings[2][0]*0.1
if singlepowersupply_bool: # checks limits of Bx or By
# if singlepowersupply_bool: # checks limits of Bx or By
# if (min_bval< -BY_MAX) or (max_bval > BY_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet By! Please input smaller limits.')
# elif '1' in query_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN?'): # check if its the coils for Bz
# if (min_bval < -BZ_MAX) or (max_bval > BZ_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet (Bz)! Please input smaller limits.')
# else: # checks limits of Bx
# if (min_bval< -BX_MAX) or (max_bval > BX_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet Bx! Please input smaller limits.')
if '2101014' in instr_info and (magnet_coil=='y-axis'): # single power supply
if (min_bval< -BY_MAX) or (max_bval > BY_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet By! Please input smaller limits.')
elif '1' in query_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN?'): # check if its the coils for Bz
if (min_bval < -BZ_MAX) or (max_bval > BZ_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet (Bz)! Please input smaller limits.')
else: # checks limits of Bx
if (min_bval< -BX_MAX) or (max_bval > BX_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet Bx! Please input smaller limits.')
elif '2301034' in instr_info: # dual power supply
if magnet_coil=='z-axis': # check if its the coils for Bz
if (min_bval < -BZ_MAX) or (max_bval > BZ_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet (Bz)! Please input smaller limits.')
write_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN 1')
elif magnet_coil=='x-axis': # checks limits of Bx
if (min_bval< -BX_MAX) or (max_bval > BX_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet Bx! Please input smaller limits.')
write_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN 2')
raise ConnectionError('Device is not connected!')
write_no_echo(instr, f'LLIM {min_bval*10};ULIM {max_bval*10}') # sets the given limits, must convert to kG for the device to read
bval_lst = np.arange(min_bval, max_bval + res, res) # creates list of B values to measure at, with given resolution, in T
init_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1 # queries the initial B value of the coil, rescale from kG to T
# TODO: unused, see if can remove
# init_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1 # queries the initial B value of the coil, rescale from kG to T
init_lim, subsequent_lim = 'LLIM', 'ULIM'
init_sweep, subsequent_sweep = 'DOWN', 'UP'
@ -417,24 +460,18 @@ def sweep_b_val(instr:pyvisa.resources.Resource, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
init_lim, subsequent_lim = subsequent_lim, init_lim
init_sweep, subsequent_sweep = subsequent_sweep, init_sweep
if loopscan_bool:
bval_lst = pyramid_list(bval_lst)
total_points = len(bval_lst)
middle_index_bval_lst = total_points // 2
intensity_data = [] # To store data from each scan
cwd = os.getcwd() # save original directory
#This gives a directory, in which the script will save the spectrum of each spot as spe
#However, it will open the spectrum, convert it to txt, add it to the intensity_data and delete the spe file
#scanning loop
for i, bval in enumerate(bval_lst):
# if init_bval == bval:
# # if initial bval is equal to the element of the given iteration from the bval_lst, then commence measuring the spectrum
# pass
# else:
# TODO: improve the conditional block later on... try to shorten the number of conditionals needed/flatten the nested conditionals
# else, travel to the lower or higher limit, depending on how far the init val is to each bound, and commence the measurement from there on
# if not reversescan_bool:
if i == 0: # for first iteration, sweep to one of the limits
# NOTE: helper function for the scanning loop
def helper_scan_func(idx, bval, instr=instr, init_lim=init_lim, init_sweep=init_sweep,
subsequent_lim=subsequent_lim, subsequent_sweep=subsequent_sweep, sleep=5):
if idx == 0: # for first iteration, sweep to one of the limits
write_no_echo(instr, f'{init_lim} {bval*10}') # convert back to kG
write_no_echo(instr, f'SWEEP {init_sweep}')
@ -449,6 +486,40 @@ def sweep_b_val(instr:pyvisa.resources.Resource, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
actual_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1
# update the actual bval
print(f'Actual magnet strength: {actual_bval} T,', f'Target magnet strength: {bval} T')
#scanning loop
for i, bval in enumerate(bval_lst):
# if init_bval == bval:
# # if initial bval is equal to the element of the given iteration from the bval_lst, then commence measuring the spectrum
# pass
# else:
# NOTE: original code without the loop scan
# if i == 0: # for first iteration, sweep to one of the limits
# write_no_echo(instr, f'{init_lim} {bval*10}') # convert back to kG
# write_no_echo(instr, f'SWEEP {init_sweep}')
# else:
# write_no_echo(instr, f'{subsequent_lim} {bval*10}') # convert back to kG
# write_no_echo(instr, f'SWEEP {subsequent_sweep}')
# actual_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1 # convert kG to T
# print(f'Actual magnet strength: {actual_bval} T,', f'Target magnet strength: {bval} T')
# while abs(actual_bval - bval) > 0.0001:
# time.sleep(5) # little break
# actual_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1
# # update the actual bval
# print(f'Actual magnet strength: {actual_bval} T,', f'Target magnet strength: {bval} T')
if not loopscan_bool:
helper_scan_func(i, bval)
if i <= middle_index_bval_lst:
helper_scan_func(i, bval)
helper_scan_func(i, bval, instr=instr, init_lim=subsequent_lim, init_sweep=subsequent_sweep,
subsequent_lim=init_lim, subsequent_sweep=init_sweep, sleep=5)
# we acquire with the LF
@ -476,6 +547,8 @@ def sweep_b_val(instr:pyvisa.resources.Resource, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) / 60
print('Scan time: ', elapsed_time, 'minutes')
write_no_echo(instr, f'LLIM {instr_bsettings[1][0]*10};ULIM {instr_bsettings[2][0]*10}') # reset the initial limits of the device after the scan
if zerowhenfin_bool:
write_no_echo(instr, 'SWEEP ZERO') # if switched on, discharges the magnet after performing the measurement loop above
@ -514,8 +587,9 @@ powerbox_dualsupply = rm.open_resource('ASRL8::INSTR',
write_no_echo(powerbox_dualsupply, 'REMOTE') # turn on the remote mode
# TODO: test functionality of the magnet_coil param later on, should work... as this code below is basically implemented inside the scan func.
# select axis for the dual supply, either z-axis(CHAN 1 ^= Supply A) or x-axis(CHAN 2 ^= Supply B)
write_no_echo(powerbox_dualsupply, 'CHAN 1')
# write_no_echo(powerbox_dualsupply, 'CHAN 1')
# Setup connection to AMC
amc = AMC.Device(IP)
@ -550,21 +624,16 @@ experiment_settings = 'PL_SP_700_LP_700_HeNe_52muW_exp_2s_Start_'
#The program adds the range of the scan as well as the resolution and the date and time of the measurement
experiment_name = f"{set_llim_bval}T_to_{set_ulim_bval}T_{set_res_bval}T_{'%Y_%m_%d_%H%M')}"
# # TODO: write the bval scan here
# for idx, bval in enumerate(bval_lst):
# write_no_echo(powerbox_dualsupply, '')
# this moves the probe in xy-direction and measures spectrum there
# move_scan_xy(range_x, range_y, resolution, experiment_settings, experiment_name)
# perform the B-field measurement for selected axis above
# sweep_b_val(powerbox_dualsupply, set_llim_bval, set_ulim_bval, set_res_bval, experiment_settings, experiment_name)
sweep_b_val(powerbox_dualsupply, set_llim_bval, set_ulim_bval, set_res_bval,
experiment_settings, experiment_name, singlepowersupply_bool=False, zerowhenfin_bool=True, reversescan_bool=False)
sweep_b_val(powerbox_dualsupply, set_llim_bval, set_ulim_bval, set_res_bval, 'z-axis',
experiment_settings, experiment_name, zerowhenfin_bool=True, reversescan_bool=False)
# Internally, axes are numbered 0 to 2
write_no_echo(powerbox_dualsupply, 'LOCAL') # turn off the remote mode
# time.sleep(0.5)
Reference in New Issue
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