cleaned uo function, file naming code, TODO: logic implementation of the LCR rotation
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ try:
except OSError as ex:
# TODO: add LC Controller limits as constants, as not to be exceeded
V_MAX = 25 # corresponds to the max RMS voltage of 25 V of KLC101 device
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ import csv
import time
import clr
import sys
import os
import os, glob, string
import spe2py as spe
import spe_loader as sl
import pandas as pd
@ -48,10 +47,6 @@ IP_AMC100 = ""
# IP = ""
IP = IP_AMC100
# Import os module
import os, glob, string
# Import System.IO for saving and opening files
from System.IO import *
@ -360,8 +355,8 @@ def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size, clockwise=True
# TODO: modify b field scan script for Dasha, to be used for the KLC controller
def LCR_scan_func(instr:KLC, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
res:float, magnet_coil:str, Settings:str, base_file_name='',
def LCR_scan_func(handle:int, init_voltage:float, final_voltage:float,
res:float, base_file_name='',
reversescan_bool=False, zerowhenfin_bool=False, loopscan_bool=False)->None:
def pyramid_list(lst) -> Union[list, np.ndarray]:
@ -383,64 +378,34 @@ def LCR_scan_func(instr:KLC, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
raise TypeError('Please input a list!')
# defines the folder, in which the data from the spectrometer is temporarily stored in
temp_folder_path = "C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/2024_02_08_Map_test"
# if path_save =='':
# path_save ="%Y_%m_%d_%H%M_hrs_")
temp_folder_path = "C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Dasha/LCR_temp_dump_folder"
if base_file_name =='':
base_file_name ='%Y_%m_%d_%H.%M')
start_time = time.time() # start of the scan function
instr_info = query_no_echo(instr, '*IDN?')
instr_bsettings = list(sep_num_from_units(el) for el in query_no_echo(instr, 'UNITS?;LLIM?;ULIM?').split(';')) # deliver a 3 element list of lists containing the set unit, llim and ulim
if instr_bsettings[0][0] == 'T':
instr_bsettings[1][0] = instr_bsettings[1][0]*0.1 # rescale kG to T, device accepts values only in kG or A, eventho we set it to T
instr_bsettings[2][0] = instr_bsettings[2][0]*0.1
# if singlepowersupply_bool: # checks limits of Bx or By
# if '2101014' in instr_info and (magnet_coil=='y-axis'): # single power supply
# if (min_bval< -BY_MAX) or (max_bval > BY_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet By! Please input smaller limits.')
# elif '1' in query_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN?'): # check if its the coils for Bz
# if (min_bval < -BZ_MAX) or (max_bval > BZ_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet (Bz)! Please input smaller limits.')
# else: # checks limits of Bx
# if (min_bval< -BX_MAX) or (max_bval > BX_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet Bx! Please input smaller limits.')
if '2101014' in instr_info and (magnet_coil=='y-axis'): # single power supply
if (min_bval< -BY_MAX) or (max_bval > BY_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet By! Please input smaller limits.')
elif '2301034' in instr_info: # dual power supply
if magnet_coil=='z-axis': # check if its the coils for Bz
if (min_bval < -BZ_MAX) or (max_bval > BZ_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet (Bz)! Please input smaller limits.')
write_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN 1')
elif magnet_coil=='x-axis': # checks limits of Bx
if (min_bval< -BX_MAX) or (max_bval > BX_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet Bx! Please input smaller limits.')
write_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN 2')
raise ConnectionError('Device is not connected!')
# elif '2301034' in instr_info: # dual power supply
# if magnet_coil=='z-axis': # check if its the coils for Bz
# if (min_bval < -BZ_MAX) or (max_bval > BZ_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet (Bz)! Please input smaller limits.')
# write_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN 1')
# elif magnet_coil=='x-axis': # checks limits of Bx
# if (min_bval< -BX_MAX) or (max_bval > BX_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet Bx! Please input smaller limits.')
# write_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN 2')
# else:
# raise ConnectionError('Device is not connected!')
write_no_echo(instr, f'LLIM {min_bval*10};ULIM {max_bval*10}') # sets the given limits, must convert to kG for the device to read
bval_lst = np.arange(min_bval, max_bval + res, res) # creates list of B values to measure at, with given resolution, in T
# TODO: unused, see if can remove
# init_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1 # queries the initial B value of the coil, rescale from kG to T
init_lim, subsequent_lim = 'LLIM', 'ULIM'
init_sweep, subsequent_sweep = 'DOWN', 'UP'
# TODO: decide whether to start at min b val or max b val, depending on which one is nearer, IMPLEMENT THIS LATER
# nearest_bval = (abs(init_bval - min_bval), abs(init_bval - max_bval))
# if nearest_bval[0] <= nearest_bval[1]:
# reversescan_bool = True
# if reverse scan, then flip the values in the b list, and swap the initial limit and sweep conditions
if reversescan_bool:
@ -503,7 +468,7 @@ def LCR_scan_func(instr:KLC, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
spe_file_path = os.path.join(temp_folder_path, acquire_name_spe + '.spe')
points_left = total_points - i - 1 # TODO: SEE IF THIS IS CORRECT
points_left = total_points - i - 1
print('Points left in the scan: ', points_left)
#append the intensity data as it is (so after every #of_wl_points, the spectrum of the next point begins)
@ -529,7 +494,7 @@ def LCR_scan_func(instr:KLC, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
os.chdir('C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/'+ new_folder_name)
intensity_data = np.array(intensity_data)
np.savetxt(Settings + str(min_bval) + 'T_to_' + str(max_bval) + 'T' + experiment_name +'.txt', intensity_data)
np.savetxt(base_file_name + '.txt', intensity_data)
wl = np.array(loaded_files.wavelength)
np.savetxt("Wavelength.txt", wl)
@ -540,7 +505,7 @@ def LCR_scan_func(instr:KLC, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
# initialise KLC connection
#Find devices
# Find devices
devs = klcListDevices()
print("Found devices:",devs,"\n")
@ -549,7 +514,7 @@ try:
klc = devs[0]
serialnumber = klc[0]
#Connect device
# Connect device
KLC_handle = klcOpen(serialnumber, 115200, 3)
print("open ", serialnumber, " failed")
@ -560,9 +525,9 @@ try:
print("Connected to serial number ", serialnumber)
# TODO: continue editing the code below this
# TODO: remove this commented code block later
# Initialise PYVISA ResourceManager
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
# rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
# print(rm.list_resources())
# 'ASRL8::INSTR' for dual power supply, 'ASRL9::INSTR' for single power supply (online PC)
# 'ASRL10::INSTR' for dual power supply, 'ASRL12::INSTR' for single power supply (offline PC)
@ -571,31 +536,28 @@ try:
experiment = auto.LightFieldApplication.Experiment
acquireCompleted = AutoResetEvent(False)
experiment.Load("Alison_08.07.24") # NOTE: this should be the
experiment.ExperimentCompleted += experiment_completed # we are hooking a listener.
# experiment.SetValue(SpectrometerSettings.GratingSelected, '[750nm,1200][0][0]')
# InitializerFilenameParams()
#set scan range and resolution in nanometers
range_x = 20000
range_y = 20000
resolution = 1000
# set B-field scan range and resolution (all in T)
set_llim_bval = -0.01
set_ulim_bval = 0.01
set_res_bval = 0.01
# TODO: add the start-, end angles, as well as angle step size here (alternatively, add it above)
start_voltage = 0
end_voltage = 0.5
voltage_stepsize = 0.25
#Here you can specify the filename of the map e.g. put experiment type, exposure time, used filters, etc....
experiment_settings = 'PL_SP_700_LP_700_HeNe_52muW_exp_2s_Start_'
#The program adds the range of the scan as well as the resolution and the date and time of the measurement
experiment_name = f"{set_llim_bval}T_to_{set_ulim_bval}T_{set_res_bval}T_{'%Y_%m_%d_%H%M')}"
experiment_name = f"{start_voltage}V_to_{end_voltage}V_{voltage_stepsize}V_{'%Y_%m_%d_%H%M')}"
# TODO: insert LCR rotation scan function here
# use this reference code for the LCR scan later on
# sweep_b_val(powerbox_dualsupply, set_llim_bval, set_ulim_bval, set_res_bval, 'z-axis',
# experiment_settings, base_file_name=experiment_name, zerowhenfin_bool=True, reversescan_bool=False)
except Exception() as e:
Reference in New Issue
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