cleaned up the scan script, updated the script (unfinished)
This commit is contained in:
@ -130,149 +130,6 @@ def save_as_csv(filename, position_x, position_y):
writer.writerow([position_x, position_y])
# def move_axis(axis, target):
# """
# This function moves an axis to the specified target and stop moving after it is in the really closed
# vicinity (+- 25nm) of the target (listener hooked to it).
# """
# amc.move.setControlTargetPosition(axis, target)
# amc.control.setControlMove(axis, True)
# while not (target - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(axis) < (target + 25):
# time.sleep(0.1)
# time.sleep(0.15)
# while not (target - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(axis) < (target + 25):
# time.sleep(0.1)
# amc.control.setControlMove(axis, False)
# def move_xy(target_x, target_y): # moving in x and y direction closed to desired position
# amc.move.setControlTargetPosition(0, target_x)
# amc.control.setControlMove(0, True)
# amc.move.setControlTargetPosition(1, target_y)
# amc.control.setControlMove(1, True)
# while not (target_x - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(0) < (target_x + 25) and (target_y - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(1) < (target_y + 25):
# time.sleep(0.1)
# time.sleep(0.15)
# while not (target_x - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(0) < (target_x + 25) and (target_y - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(1) < (target_y + 25):
# time.sleep(0.1)
# amc.control.setControlOutput(0, False)
# amc.control.setControlOutput(1, False)
# intensity_data = [] # To store data from each scan
# data_list = []
# def move_scan_xy(range_x, range_y, resolution, Settings, baseFileName):
# """
# This function moves the positioners to scan the sample with desired ranges and resolution in 2 dimensions.
# At the end it saves a csv file
# Parameters
# ----------
# range_x : integer in nm. max value is 5um
# Scan range in x direction.
# range_y : integer in nm. max value is 5um
# Scan range in y direction.
# resolution : integer in nm.
# Room temprature max res is 50nm. In cyrostat (4K) it is 10nm (check the Attocube manual)
# baseFileName: string. At the end the saved file will be: baseFileName_scan_data.csv and it will be saved to the current directory
# Returns
# -------
# None.
# """
# start_time = time.time()
# axis_x = 0 #first axis
# axis_y = 1 #second axis
# center_x = amc.move.getPosition(axis_x)
# center_y = amc.move.getPosition(axis_y)
# # #check if the intput range is reasonable
# # if amc.move.getPosition(axis_x) + range_x >= 5000 or amc.move.getPosition(axis_x)- range_x <= 0 or amc.move.getPosition(axis_y) + range_y >=5000 or amc.move.getPosition(axis_y) - range_y <= 5000 :
# # print("scan range is out of range!")
# # return
# # +- range from current positions for x and y directions
# array_x = generate_scan_positions(center_x, range_x, resolution)
# array_y = generate_scan_positions(center_y, range_y, resolution)
# total_points = len(array_x)*len(array_y)
# len_y = len(array_y)
# intensity_data = [] # To store data from each scan
# data_list = []
# cwd = os.getcwd() # save original directory
# #This gives a directory, in which the script will save the spectrum of each spot as spe
# #However, it will open the spectrum, convert it to txt, add it to the intensity_data and delete the spe file
# temp_folder_path = "C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/2024_02_08_Map_test"
# #scanning loop
# for i, x_positions in enumerate(array_x):
# move_axis(axis_x, x_positions)
# y = False
# for j, y_positions in enumerate(array_y):
# move_axis(axis_y, y_positions)
# #each time when the positioner comes to the beggining of a new line
# #this if will make the positioner wait a bit longer to really go to the target.
# if y == False:
# move_axis(axis_y, y_positions)
# y = True
# #we acquire with the LF
# acquire_name_spe = f'{baseFileName}_X{x_positions}_Y{y_positions}'
# AcquireAndLock(acquire_name_spe) #this creates a .spe file with the scan name.
# #read the .spe file and get the data as loaded_files
# cwd = os.getcwd() # save original directory
# os.chdir(temp_folder_path) #change directory
# loaded_files = sl.load_from_files([acquire_name_spe + '.spe']) # get the .spe file as a variable
# os.chdir(cwd) # go back to original directory
# # Delete the created .spe file from acquiring after getting necessary info
# spe_file_path = os.path.join(temp_folder_path, acquire_name_spe + '.spe')
# os.remove(spe_file_path)
# distance = calculate_distance(x_positions, y_positions,amc.move.getPosition(axis_x), amc.move.getPosition(axis_y))
# points_left = total_points - (i * len_y + (j+1)) + 1
# print('Points left in the scan: ', points_left)
# #append the intensity data as it is (so after every #of_wl_points, the spectrum of the next point begins)
# intensity_data.append([0][0][0])
# data_list.append({
# 'position_x': x_positions,
# 'position_y': y_positions,
# 'actual_x': amc.move.getPosition(axis_x),
# 'actual_y': amc.move.getPosition(axis_y),
# 'distance': distance,
# })
# #moves back to starting position
# move_axis(axis_x, center_x)
# move_axis(axis_y, center_y)
# #prints total time the mapping lasted
# end_time = time.time()
# elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) / 60
# print('Scan time: ', elapsed_time, 'minutes')
# # df = pd.DataFrame(data_list)
# #save intensity & WL data as .txt
# os.chdir('C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas')
# # creates new folder for MAP data
# new_folder_name = "Test_Map_" + f"{'%Y_%m_%d_%H.%M')}"
# os.mkdir(new_folder_name)
# # Here the things will be saved in a new folder under user Lukas !
# # IMPORTANT last / has to be there, otherwise data cannot be saved and will be lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# os.chdir('C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/'+ new_folder_name)
# intensity_data = np.array(intensity_data)
# np.savetxt(Settings + str(center_x) + '_' + str(center_y) + experiment_name +'.txt', intensity_data)
# wl = np.array(loaded_files.wavelength)
# np.savetxt("Wavelength.txt", wl)
################################################################# RYAN'S FUNCTIONS HERE ##########################################################################################
@ -356,7 +213,6 @@ def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size, clockwise=True
################################################################# DASHA'S CODE HERE ##############################################################################################
# TODO: Implementation of zerowhenfin_bool, maybe later
# NOTE: all voltage values are the RMS values, and have the unit V
def LCR_scan_func(handle:int, init_voltage:float, final_voltage:float,
res:float, base_file_name='', folder_name='',
@ -487,7 +343,6 @@ def LCR_scan_func(handle:int, init_voltage:float, final_voltage:float,
wl = np.array(loaded_files.wavelength)
np.savetxt("Wavelength.txt", wl)
################################################################# END OF FUNCTION DEFS ###########################################################################################
@ -495,12 +350,16 @@ start_voltage = 0
end_voltage = 0.5
voltage_stepsize = 0.25
# NOTE: This variable is redundant; either modify the code to include it later on in the file name, or remove it
# ENTER FILE NAME HERE (experiment settings + voltage range, stepsize, actual time)
#Here you can specify the filename of the map e.g. put experiment type, exposure time, used filters, etc....
experiment_settings = 'PL_SP_700_LP_700_HeNe_52muW_exp_2s_Start_'
experiment_settings = 'Test settings'
#The program adds the range of the scan as well as the resolution and the date and time of the measurement
experiment_name = f"{start_voltage}V_to_{end_voltage}V_{voltage_stepsize}V_{'%Y_%m_%d_%H%M')}"
experiment_name = experiment_settings + f"{start_voltage}V_to_{end_voltage}V_{voltage_stepsize}V_{'%Y_%m_%d_%H%M')}"
# NOTE: This folder name is in the path 'C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Dasha/'
# suited for Dasha's uses
experiment_folder_name = 'Test_folder'
# initialise KLC connection
@ -534,27 +393,18 @@ try:
if(klcGetEnable(KLC_handle, en)<0): # check if the set enable fucntion was called successfully
print("klcGetEnable failed")
# TODO: remove this commented code block later
# Initialise PYVISA ResourceManager
# rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
# print(rm.list_resources())
# 'ASRL8::INSTR' for dual power supply, 'ASRL9::INSTR' for single power supply (online PC)
# 'ASRL10::INSTR' for dual power supply, 'ASRL12::INSTR' for single power supply (offline PC)
auto = Automation(True, List[String]())
experiment = auto.LightFieldApplication.Experiment
acquireCompleted = AutoResetEvent(False)
experiment.Load("Alison_08.07.24") # NOTE: this should be the
experiment.ExperimentCompleted += experiment_completed # we are hooking a listener.
# experiment.SetValue(SpectrometerSettings.GratingSelected, '[750nm,1200][0][0]') # TODO: find out what these two lines of code do, leave commented as of (31.10.2024)
# experiment.SetValue(SpectrometerSettings.GratingSelected, '[750nm,1200][0][0]')
# InitializerFilenameParams()
# TODO: find out what these two lines of code do, leave commented as of (31.10.2024)
# TODO: insert LCR rotation scan function here
# sweep_b_val(powerbox_dualsupply, set_llim_bval, set_ulim_bval, set_res_bval, 'z-axis',
# experiment_settings, base_file_name=experiment_name, zerowhenfin_bool=True, reversescan_bool=False)
LCR_scan_func(handle=KLC_handle, init_voltage=start_voltage, final_voltage=end_voltage, res=voltage_stepsize,
base_file_name='Test', folder_name='Test_folder')
base_file_name=experiment_name, folder_name=experiment_folder_name)
except Exception() as e:
@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
# Liquid Crystal Retarder(LCR) Controller Code
# Thorlabs K-Cube Liquid Crystal Controller (KLC101) Code
TODO: add read me details, how to use the script, dependencies, etc.
This code is implemented to rotate the Liquid Crystal Retarder.
## Notes for successful operation of the script
## How to use the script
1. For the code to work, change the directory to load the KLCCommandLib_x64.dll file in '', line 5.
The user of the script must enter the given start- and end voltages, as well as the voltage resolution (controller voltage resolution is 1 mV!), which are located at the bottom of the script. TODO: CONTINUE EXPLANATION
## Notes
1. For the code to work, change the directory to load the KLCCommandLib_x64.dll file, located in '', line 5, to your specific directory, in which the .dll file is stored.
The line of code is as follows:
2. Another issue is then importing the other needed folders, probs have to have all the required files in the same scan
script folder on the offline computer.
2. Another issue is then importing the other needed folders, probably have to have all the required files in the same scan
script folder on the offline computer. (This is probably resolved in the newer version of the code.)
## Standing Issues/Planned Updates
Reference in New Issue
Block a user