2024-10-30 12:50:26 +01:00

604 lines
26 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 29.10.2024, 09:00 hrs
LC Controller measurement script
@author: Serdar, adjusted by Lukas and Ryan
# Packages from Ryan
import re
import math
import threading
import pyvisa
import time
# from pyvisa import ResourceManager, constants
# NOTE: must be in the same folder as this script!
from KLCCommandLib64 import *
except OSError as ex:
# TODO: add LC Controller limits as constants, as not to be exceeded
import AMC
import csv
import time
import clr
import sys
import os
import spe2py as spe
import spe_loader as sl
import pandas as pd
import time
from System.IO import *
from System import String
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
from typing import Union
# NOTE: this is possibly not needed, remove later
#First choose your controller
IP_AMC300 = ""
IP_AMC100 = ""
# IP = ""
IP = IP_AMC100
# Import os module
import os, glob, string
# Import System.IO for saving and opening files
from System.IO import *
from System.Threading import AutoResetEvent
# Import C compatible List and String
from System import String
from System.Collections.Generic import List
# Add needed dll references
sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files\Princeton Instruments\LightField\AddInViews') #I added them by hand -serdar
sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files\Princeton Instruments\LightField') #this one also
os.environ['LIGHTFIELD_ROOT'] = r'C:\Program Files\Princeton Instruments\LightField'
# PI imports
from PrincetonInstruments.LightField.Automation import Automation
from PrincetonInstruments.LightField.AddIns import ExperimentSettings
from PrincetonInstruments.LightField.AddIns import CameraSettings
#from PrincetonInstruments.LightField.AddIns import DeviceType
from PrincetonInstruments.LightField.AddIns import SpectrometerSettings
from PrincetonInstruments.LightField.AddIns import RegionOfInterest
######################################################################################################### code begins from here #############################################
def set_custom_ROI():
# Get device full dimensions
dimensions = experiment.FullSensorRegion()
regions = []
# Add two ROI to regions
int(dimensions.X), int(dimensions.Y),
int(dimensions.Width), int(dimensions.Height//4), # Use // for integer division
int(dimensions.XBinning), int(dimensions.Height//4)))
# Set both ROI
def experiment_completed(sender, event_args): #callback function which is hooked to event completed, this is the listener
print("... Acquisition Complete!")
acquireCompleted.Set() #set the event. This puts the autoresetevent false.(look at .NET library for furher info)
def InitializerFilenameParams():
experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationAttachIncrement, False)
experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationIncrementNumber, 1.0)
experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationIncrementMinimumDigits, 2.0)
experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationAttachDate, False)
experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationAttachTime, False)
def AcquireAndLock(name):
print("Acquiring...", end = "")
# name += 'Exp{0:06.2f}ms.CWL{1:07.2f}nm'.format(\
# experiment.GetValue(CameraSettings.ShutterTimingExposureTime)\
# ,experiment.GetValue(SpectrometerSettings.GratingCenterWavelength))
experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationBaseFileName, name) #this creates .spe file with the name
experiment.Acquire() # this is an ashynrchronus func.
def calculate_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return np.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)
def generate_scan_positions(center, range_val, resolution):
positive_range = np.arange(center, center + range_val + resolution, resolution)
return positive_range
def save_as_csv(filename, position_x, position_y):
file_existance = os.path.isfile(filename)
with open(filename, 'a', newline = '') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
if not file_existance:
writer.writerow([position_x, position_y])
# def move_axis(axis, target):
# """
# This function moves an axis to the specified target and stop moving after it is in the really closed
# vicinity (+- 25nm) of the target (listener hooked to it).
# """
# amc.move.setControlTargetPosition(axis, target)
# amc.control.setControlMove(axis, True)
# while not (target - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(axis) < (target + 25):
# time.sleep(0.1)
# time.sleep(0.15)
# while not (target - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(axis) < (target + 25):
# time.sleep(0.1)
# amc.control.setControlMove(axis, False)
# def move_xy(target_x, target_y): # moving in x and y direction closed to desired position
# amc.move.setControlTargetPosition(0, target_x)
# amc.control.setControlMove(0, True)
# amc.move.setControlTargetPosition(1, target_y)
# amc.control.setControlMove(1, True)
# while not (target_x - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(0) < (target_x + 25) and (target_y - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(1) < (target_y + 25):
# time.sleep(0.1)
# time.sleep(0.15)
# while not (target_x - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(0) < (target_x + 25) and (target_y - 25) < amc.move.getPosition(1) < (target_y + 25):
# time.sleep(0.1)
# amc.control.setControlOutput(0, False)
# amc.control.setControlOutput(1, False)
# intensity_data = [] # To store data from each scan
# data_list = []
# def move_scan_xy(range_x, range_y, resolution, Settings, baseFileName):
# """
# This function moves the positioners to scan the sample with desired ranges and resolution in 2 dimensions.
# At the end it saves a csv file
# Parameters
# ----------
# range_x : integer in nm. max value is 5um
# Scan range in x direction.
# range_y : integer in nm. max value is 5um
# Scan range in y direction.
# resolution : integer in nm.
# Room temprature max res is 50nm. In cyrostat (4K) it is 10nm (check the Attocube manual)
# baseFileName: string. At the end the saved file will be: baseFileName_scan_data.csv and it will be saved to the current directory
# Returns
# -------
# None.
# """
# start_time = time.time()
# axis_x = 0 #first axis
# axis_y = 1 #second axis
# center_x = amc.move.getPosition(axis_x)
# center_y = amc.move.getPosition(axis_y)
# # #check if the intput range is reasonable
# # if amc.move.getPosition(axis_x) + range_x >= 5000 or amc.move.getPosition(axis_x)- range_x <= 0 or amc.move.getPosition(axis_y) + range_y >=5000 or amc.move.getPosition(axis_y) - range_y <= 5000 :
# # print("scan range is out of range!")
# # return
# # +- range from current positions for x and y directions
# array_x = generate_scan_positions(center_x, range_x, resolution)
# array_y = generate_scan_positions(center_y, range_y, resolution)
# total_points = len(array_x)*len(array_y)
# len_y = len(array_y)
# intensity_data = [] # To store data from each scan
# data_list = []
# cwd = os.getcwd() # save original directory
# #This gives a directory, in which the script will save the spectrum of each spot as spe
# #However, it will open the spectrum, convert it to txt, add it to the intensity_data and delete the spe file
# temp_folder_path = "C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/2024_02_08_Map_test"
# #scanning loop
# for i, x_positions in enumerate(array_x):
# move_axis(axis_x, x_positions)
# y = False
# for j, y_positions in enumerate(array_y):
# move_axis(axis_y, y_positions)
# #each time when the positioner comes to the beggining of a new line
# #this if will make the positioner wait a bit longer to really go to the target.
# if y == False:
# move_axis(axis_y, y_positions)
# y = True
# #we acquire with the LF
# acquire_name_spe = f'{baseFileName}_X{x_positions}_Y{y_positions}'
# AcquireAndLock(acquire_name_spe) #this creates a .spe file with the scan name.
# #read the .spe file and get the data as loaded_files
# cwd = os.getcwd() # save original directory
# os.chdir(temp_folder_path) #change directory
# loaded_files = sl.load_from_files([acquire_name_spe + '.spe']) # get the .spe file as a variable
# os.chdir(cwd) # go back to original directory
# # Delete the created .spe file from acquiring after getting necessary info
# spe_file_path = os.path.join(temp_folder_path, acquire_name_spe + '.spe')
# os.remove(spe_file_path)
# distance = calculate_distance(x_positions, y_positions,amc.move.getPosition(axis_x), amc.move.getPosition(axis_y))
# points_left = total_points - (i * len_y + (j+1)) + 1
# print('Points left in the scan: ', points_left)
# #append the intensity data as it is (so after every #of_wl_points, the spectrum of the next point begins)
# intensity_data.append([0][0][0])
# data_list.append({
# 'position_x': x_positions,
# 'position_y': y_positions,
# 'actual_x': amc.move.getPosition(axis_x),
# 'actual_y': amc.move.getPosition(axis_y),
# 'distance': distance,
# })
# #moves back to starting position
# move_axis(axis_x, center_x)
# move_axis(axis_y, center_y)
# #prints total time the mapping lasted
# end_time = time.time()
# elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) / 60
# print('Scan time: ', elapsed_time, 'minutes')
# # df = pd.DataFrame(data_list)
# #save intensity & WL data as .txt
# os.chdir('C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas')
# # creates new folder for MAP data
# new_folder_name = "Test_Map_" + f"{'%Y_%m_%d_%H.%M')}"
# os.mkdir(new_folder_name)
# # Here the things will be saved in a new folder under user Lukas !
# # IMPORTANT last / has to be there, otherwise data cannot be saved and will be lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# os.chdir('C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/'+ new_folder_name)
# intensity_data = np.array(intensity_data)
# np.savetxt(Settings + str(center_x) + '_' + str(center_y) + experiment_name +'.txt', intensity_data)
# wl = np.array(loaded_files.wavelength)
# np.savetxt("Wavelength.txt", wl)
################################################################# RYAN'S FUNCTIONS HERE ##########################################################################################
def polar_to_cartesian(radius, start_angle, end_angle, step_size, clockwise=True):
"""Creates a list of discrete cartesian coordinates (x,y), given the radius, start- and end angles, the angle step size, and the direction of rotation.
Function then returns a list of two lists: list of angles and list of cartesian coordinates (x,y coordinates in a tuple).
radius (_type_): _description_
start_angle (_type_): _description_
end_angle (_type_): _description_
step_size (_type_): _description_
clockwise (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True.
_type_: _description_
""" """"""
# Initialize lists to hold angles and (x, y) pairs
angles = []
coordinates = []
# Normalize angles to the range [0, 360)
start_angle = start_angle % 360
end_angle = end_angle % 360
if clockwise:
# Clockwise rotation
current_angle = start_angle
while True:
# Append the current angle to the angles list
angles.append(current_angle % 360)
# Convert the current angle to radians
current_angle_rad = math.radians(current_angle % 360)
# Convert polar to Cartesian coordinates
x = radius * math.cos(current_angle_rad)
y = radius * math.sin(current_angle_rad)
# Append the (x, y) pair to the list
coordinates.append((x, y))
# Check if we've reached the end_angle (handling wrap-around) (current_angle - step_size) % 360 == end_angle or
if current_angle % 360 == end_angle:
# Decrement the current angle by the step size
current_angle -= step_size
if current_angle < 0:
current_angle += 360
# Counterclockwise rotation
current_angle = start_angle
while True:
# Append the current angle to the angles list
angles.append(current_angle % 360)
# Convert the current angle to radians
current_angle_rad = math.radians(current_angle % 360)
# Convert polar to Cartesian coordinates
x = radius * math.cos(current_angle_rad)
y = radius * math.sin(current_angle_rad)
# Append the (x, y) pair to the list
coordinates.append((x, y))
# Check if we've reached the end_angle (handling wrap-around) (current_angle + step_size) % 360 == end_angle or
if current_angle % 360 == end_angle:
# Increment the current angle by the step size
current_angle += step_size
if current_angle >= 360:
current_angle -= 360
return [angles, coordinates]
################################################################# DASHA'S CODE HERE ##############################################################################################
# TODO: modify b field scan script for Dasha, to be used for the KLC controller
def LCR_scan_func(instr:KLC, min_bval:float, max_bval:float,
res:float, magnet_coil:str, Settings:str, base_file_name='',
reversescan_bool=False, zerowhenfin_bool=False, loopscan_bool=False)->None:
def pyramid_list(lst) -> Union[list, np.ndarray]:
"""reverses the list and removes the first element of reversed list. Then, this is appended to
the end of the original list and returned as the 'pyramid' list.
lst (list or np.ndarray):
TypeError: if the input object isn't a list or np.ndarray
Union[list, np.ndarray]: the pyramid list
""" ''''''
if isinstance(lst, list):
return lst + lst[-2::-1]
elif isinstance(lst, np.ndarray):
return np.append(lst, lst[-2::-1])
raise TypeError('Please input a list!')
# defines the folder, in which the data from the spectrometer is temporarily stored in
temp_folder_path = "C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/2024_02_08_Map_test"
# if path_save =='':
# path_save ="%Y_%m_%d_%H%M_hrs_")
if base_file_name =='':
base_file_name ='%Y_%m_%d_%H.%M')
start_time = time.time() # start of the scan function
instr_info = query_no_echo(instr, '*IDN?')
instr_bsettings = list(sep_num_from_units(el) for el in query_no_echo(instr, 'UNITS?;LLIM?;ULIM?').split(';')) # deliver a 3 element list of lists containing the set unit, llim and ulim
if instr_bsettings[0][0] == 'T':
instr_bsettings[1][0] = instr_bsettings[1][0]*0.1 # rescale kG to T, device accepts values only in kG or A, eventho we set it to T
instr_bsettings[2][0] = instr_bsettings[2][0]*0.1
# if singlepowersupply_bool: # checks limits of Bx or By
# if (min_bval< -BY_MAX) or (max_bval > BY_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet By! Please input smaller limits.')
# elif '1' in query_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN?'): # check if its the coils for Bz
# if (min_bval < -BZ_MAX) or (max_bval > BZ_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet (Bz)! Please input smaller limits.')
# else: # checks limits of Bx
# if (min_bval< -BX_MAX) or (max_bval > BX_MAX):
# raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet Bx! Please input smaller limits.')
if '2101014' in instr_info and (magnet_coil=='y-axis'): # single power supply
if (min_bval< -BY_MAX) or (max_bval > BY_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet By! Please input smaller limits.')
elif '2301034' in instr_info: # dual power supply
if magnet_coil=='z-axis': # check if its the coils for Bz
if (min_bval < -BZ_MAX) or (max_bval > BZ_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet (Bz)! Please input smaller limits.')
write_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN 1')
elif magnet_coil=='x-axis': # checks limits of Bx
if (min_bval< -BX_MAX) or (max_bval > BX_MAX):
raise ValueError('Input limits exceed that of the magnet Bx! Please input smaller limits.')
write_no_echo(instr, 'CHAN 2')
raise ConnectionError('Device is not connected!')
write_no_echo(instr, f'LLIM {min_bval*10};ULIM {max_bval*10}') # sets the given limits, must convert to kG for the device to read
bval_lst = np.arange(min_bval, max_bval + res, res) # creates list of B values to measure at, with given resolution, in T
# TODO: unused, see if can remove
# init_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1 # queries the initial B value of the coil, rescale from kG to T
init_lim, subsequent_lim = 'LLIM', 'ULIM'
init_sweep, subsequent_sweep = 'DOWN', 'UP'
# TODO: decide whether to start at min b val or max b val, depending on which one is nearer, IMPLEMENT THIS LATER
# nearest_bval = (abs(init_bval - min_bval), abs(init_bval - max_bval))
# if nearest_bval[0] <= nearest_bval[1]:
# reversescan_bool = True
# if reverse scan, then flip the values in the b list, and swap the initial limit and sweep conditions
if reversescan_bool:
bval_lst = bval_lst[::-1]
init_lim, subsequent_lim = subsequent_lim, init_lim
init_sweep, subsequent_sweep = subsequent_sweep, init_sweep
# creates the pyramid list of B vals if one were to perform a hysteresis measurement
if loopscan_bool:
bval_lst = pyramid_list(bval_lst)
total_points = len(bval_lst)
middle_index_bval_lst = total_points // 2
intensity_data = [] # To store data from each scan
cwd = os.getcwd() # save original directory
# NOTE: helper function for the scanning loop
def helper_scan_func(idx, bval, instr=instr, init_lim=init_lim, init_sweep=init_sweep,
subsequent_lim=subsequent_lim, subsequent_sweep=subsequent_sweep, sleep=5):
if idx == 0: # for first iteration, sweep to one of the limits
write_no_echo(instr, f'{init_lim} {bval*10}') # convert back to kG
write_no_echo(instr, f'SWEEP {init_sweep}')
write_no_echo(instr, f'{subsequent_lim} {bval*10}') # convert back to kG
write_no_echo(instr, f'SWEEP {subsequent_sweep}')
actual_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1 # convert kG to T
print(f'Actual magnet strength: {actual_bval} T,', f'Target magnet strength: {bval} T')
while abs(actual_bval - bval) > 0.0001:
time.sleep(5) # little break
actual_bval = sep_num_from_units(query_no_echo(instr, 'IMAG?'))[0]*0.1
# update the actual bval
print(f'Actual magnet strength: {actual_bval} T,', f'Target magnet strength: {bval} T')
#scanning loop
for i, bval in enumerate(bval_lst):
if not loopscan_bool:
helper_scan_func(i, bval)
if i <= middle_index_bval_lst:
helper_scan_func(i, bval)
helper_scan_func(i, bval, instr=instr, init_lim=subsequent_lim, init_sweep=subsequent_sweep,
subsequent_lim=init_lim, subsequent_sweep=init_sweep, sleep=5)
# we acquire with the LF
acquire_name_spe = f'{base_file_name}_{bval}T'
AcquireAndLock(acquire_name_spe) #this creates a .spe file with the scan name.
# read the .spe file and get the data as loaded_files
cwd = os.getcwd() # save original directory
os.chdir(temp_folder_path) #change directory
loaded_files = sl.load_from_files([acquire_name_spe + '.spe']) # get the .spe file as a variable
os.chdir(cwd) # go back to original directory
# Delete the created .spe file from acquiring after getting necessary info
spe_file_path = os.path.join(temp_folder_path, acquire_name_spe + '.spe')
points_left = total_points - i - 1 # TODO: SEE IF THIS IS CORRECT
print('Points left in the scan: ', points_left)
#append the intensity data as it is (so after every #of_wl_points, the spectrum of the next point begins)
#prints total time the mapping lasted
end_time = time.time()
elapsed_time = (end_time - start_time) / 60
print('Scan time: ', elapsed_time, 'minutes')
write_no_echo(instr, f'LLIM {instr_bsettings[1][0]*10};ULIM {instr_bsettings[2][0]*10}') # reset the initial limits of the device after the scan
if zerowhenfin_bool:
write_no_echo(instr, 'SWEEP ZERO') # if switched on, discharges the magnet after performing the measurement loop above
#save intensity & WL data as .txt
# creates new folder for MAP data
new_folder_name = "Test_Map_" + f"{'%Y_%m_%d_%H.%M')}"
# Here the things will be saved in a new folder under user Lukas !
# IMPORTANT last / has to be there, otherwise data cannot be saved and will be lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
os.chdir('C:/Users/localadmin/Desktop/Users/Lukas/'+ new_folder_name)
intensity_data = np.array(intensity_data)
np.savetxt(Settings + str(min_bval) + 'T_to_' + str(max_bval) + 'T' + experiment_name +'.txt', intensity_data)
wl = np.array(loaded_files.wavelength)
np.savetxt("Wavelength.txt", wl)
################################################################# END OF FUNCTION DEFS ###########################################################################################
# initialise KLC connection
#Find devices
devs = klcListDevices()
print("Found devices:",devs,"\n")
print('There is no device connected')
klc = devs[0]
serialnumber = klc[0]
#Connect device
KLC_handle = klcOpen(serialnumber, 115200, 3)
print("open ", serialnumber, " failed")
if(klcIsOpen(serialnumber) == 0):
print("klcIsOpen failed")
print("Connected to serial number ", serialnumber)
# TODO: continue editing the code below this
# Initialise PYVISA ResourceManager
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
# print(rm.list_resources())
# 'ASRL8::INSTR' for dual power supply, 'ASRL9::INSTR' for single power supply (online PC)
# 'ASRL10::INSTR' for dual power supply, 'ASRL12::INSTR' for single power supply (offline PC)
auto = Automation(True, List[String]())
experiment = auto.LightFieldApplication.Experiment
acquireCompleted = AutoResetEvent(False)
experiment.ExperimentCompleted += experiment_completed # we are hooking a listener.
# experiment.SetValue(SpectrometerSettings.GratingSelected, '[750nm,1200][0][0]')
# InitializerFilenameParams()
#set scan range and resolution in nanometers
range_x = 20000
range_y = 20000
resolution = 1000
# set B-field scan range and resolution (all in T)
set_llim_bval = -0.01
set_ulim_bval = 0.01
set_res_bval = 0.01
# TODO: add the start-, end angles, as well as angle step size here (alternatively, add it above)
#Here you can specify the filename of the map e.g. put experiment type, exposure time, used filters, etc....
experiment_settings = 'PL_SP_700_LP_700_HeNe_52muW_exp_2s_Start_'
#The program adds the range of the scan as well as the resolution and the date and time of the measurement
experiment_name = f"{set_llim_bval}T_to_{set_ulim_bval}T_{set_res_bval}T_{'%Y_%m_%d_%H%M')}"
# TODO: insert LCR rotation scan function here
except Exception() as e:
#close connection to device
print("Connection closed")