Initial commit of free_energy_landscape

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Kloth 2023-12-05 17:08:57 +01:00
parent 9b45a1a7bd
commit d8154d3c38
2 changed files with 457 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from . import autosave
from . import reader
from . import chill
from . import system
from . import free_energy_landscape
from .logging import logger

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@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy
import cmath
import pandas as pd
from functools import partial
import os.path
import multiprocessing as mp
from scipy import spatial as sp
VALID_GEOMETRY = {"cylindrical", "slab"}
def get_fel(
z=[-np.inf, np.inf],
The main method of this script. Will calculate the energy difference based on radius.
This method will calculate the relative energy of different minima based on radius
to the pore center.
After that it will save those results in a .npy file in the filepath give by the
"path" parameter and will also try to load from there.
traj : The trajectory of the system to be evaluated
path : The save and load location of the files
geometry : Either "cylindrical" or "slab". The geometry of your system. Other types
currently not supported
temperature: The temperature of your system. Needed for the energy difference
edge (opt.) : The length of the cubes in which your system will be divided
radiusmin (opt.) : The radius where the calculation begins. Will create a bin of
+- 0.05 of that number.
radiusmax (opt.) : The radius where the calculation ends. Will create a bin of
+- 0.05 of that number.
z (opt.) : The evaluated slice of the trajectory for the energy landscape.
list: A list of the energy difference based on radius
if geometry not in VALID_GEOMETRY:
raise ValueError("results: status must be one of %r." % VALID_GEOMETRY)
EnergyDifference = []
if (os.path.exists(f"{path}/radiiData.npy")) & (not overwrite):
data = np.load(f"{path}/radiiData.npy")
bins = np.load(f"{path}/radiiBins.npy")
# Here the different standard geometries are inserted
if geometry == "cylindrical":
bins, data = shortAllRadii(
traj, path, edge=edge, radiusmin=radiusmin, radiusmax=radiusmax, z=z
if geometry == "slab":
bins, data = shortAllRadiiSlab(
traj, path, edge=edge, radiusmin=radiusmin, radiusmax=radiusmax, z=z
)"{path}/radiiData", data)"{path}/radiiBins", bins)
return CalculateEnergyDifference(data, bins, temperature)
def fill_bins(traj, path, edge=0.05):
# If available Matrix is directly loaded
if os.path.exists(f"{path}/Matrix{edge}.npy"):
matbin = np.load(f"{path}/Matrix{edge}.npy")
return matbin
pool = mp.Pool(8)
size = math.ceil(len(traj) / 8)
# Trajectory is split for parallel computing
indices = list(Chunksplit(np.arange(0, len(traj), 1), size))
# indices = list(Chunksplit(np.arange(len(traj)-80, len(traj), 1), size))
fill = partial(help_fill, traj=traj)
results =, indices)
boxmat = traj[0].box
a = math.ceil(boxmat[0][0] / 0.05)
b = math.ceil(boxmat[1][1] / 0.05)
c = math.ceil(boxmat[2][2] / 0.05)
matbin = np.zeros((a, b, c))
for mat in results:
matbin = matbin + mat"{path}/Matrix{edge}", arr=matbin)
return matbin
def help_fill(numberlist, traj, edge=0.05):
boxmat = traj[0].box
a = math.ceil(boxmat[0][0] / edge)
b = math.ceil(boxmat[1][1] / edge)
c = math.ceil(boxmat[2][2] / edge)
matbin = np.zeros((a, b, c))
temp = np.array([[]]).reshape(0, 3)
# Trajectory is split in chunks of 1000 frames to increase efficency while
# keeping ram usage low
h = 1000
while h < len(numberlist):
temp = np.array([[]]).reshape(0, 3)
x = numberlist[h - 1000]
y = numberlist[h]
for j in traj.pbc[x:y]:
l = np.floor(j / edge).astype("int32")
temp = np.concatenate((temp, np.array(l)))
# Positions are counted for whole chunk
unique, counts = np.unique(temp, return_counts=True, axis=0)
m = 0
# Count is combined into matrix with position in Matrix corresponding to
# position in system
for z in unique.astype("int"):
a = z[0]
b = z[1]
c = z[2]
matbin[a][b][c] += counts[m]
m += 1
h += 1000
# The last few frames of the system are seperately calculated
x = numberlist[h - 1000]
y = numberlist[-1]
temp = np.array([[]]).reshape(0, 3)
for j in traj.pbc[x : y + 1]:
l = np.floor(j / edge).astype("int32")
temp = np.concatenate((temp, np.array(l)))
unique, counts = np.unique(temp, return_counts=True, axis=0)
m = 0
for z in unique.astype("int"):
a = z[0]
b = z[1]
c = z[2]
matbin[a][b][c] += counts[m]
m += 1
return matbin
def calculate_maxima(matbin):
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
maxima = []
z = [-1, 0, 1]
max_i = matbin.shape[0]
max_j = matbin.shape[1]
max_k = matbin.shape[2]
# For each element in the matrix all sourrounding 26 elements are compared to
# determine the minimum.
# Algorithm can definitely improved but is so fast that its not necessary.
while i < max_i:
while j < max_j:
while k < max_k:
a = matbin[i][j][k]
b = True
for l in z:
for m in z:
for n in z:
if (l != 0) or (m != 0) or (n != 0):
b = b and (
> matbin[(i + l) % max_i][(j + m) % max_j][
(k + n) % max_k
if b:
maxima.append([i, j, k])
k += 1
k = 0
j += 1
j = 0
i += 1
return maxima
def ListOfCoordinates(matbin):
# Matrix elements are translated back into postion vectors
max_i = matbin.shape[0]
max_j = matbin.shape[1]
max_k = matbin.shape[2]
coord = np.zeros((max_i, max_j, max_k, 3))
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
while i < max_i:
while j < max_j:
while k < max_k:
coord[i][j][k] = [i, j, k]
k += 1
k = 0
j += 1
j = 0
i += 1
return coord
def calculateTree(coord, box):
coordlist = np.reshape(coord, (-1, 3))
tree = sp.cKDTree(coordlist, boxsize=box)
return tree
def SphereQuotient(
z=np.array([-np.inf, np.inf]),
# Here pore center is assumed to be system center
diff = np.diag(box)[0:2] / 2
# Distance to the z-axis
distance = np.linalg.norm(np.array(maxima)[:, 0:2] * edge - diff, axis=1)
# selection with given parameters
mask = (
(distance > radius - 0.05)
& (distance < radius + 0.05)
& (np.array(maxima)[:, 2] * edge > z[0])
& (np.array(maxima)[:, 2] * edge < z[1])
maxima_masked = np.array(maxima)[mask]
# Distances between maxima and other cubes in the system
coordlist = coordlist.reshape(-1, 3)
numOfNeigbour = tree.query_ball_point(maxima[0], unitdist, return_length=True)
d, neighbourlist = tree.query(maxima_masked, k=numOfNeigbour, workers=-1)
i = 0
average = 0
y = []
num = []
for neighbours in neighbourlist:
current = maxima_masked[i]
# energy between minimum and all sourrounding cubes is calculated
energy = -np.log(
matbin[current[0], current[1], current[2]]
/ matbin.flatten()[neighbours[1:]]
v, b = np.histogram(
d[i, 1:].flatten()[(energy < np.Inf) & (energy > -np.Inf)],
bins=np.arange(1, 40.5, 0.5),
weights=energy[(energy < np.Inf) & (energy > -np.Inf)],
# For averaging purposes number weighted is also the calculated
k, l = np.histogram(
d[i, 1:].flatten()[(energy < np.Inf) & (energy > -np.Inf)],
bins=np.arange(1, 40.5, 0.5),
i += 1
# energy is averaged over minima
quotient = np.sum(y, axis=0) / np.sum(num, axis=0)
if len(neighbourlist) == 0:
return np.arange(1, 40.5, 0.5) * edge, np.arange(1, 40, 0.5) * 0
return b * edge, quotient
def SphereQuotientSlab(
matbin, maxima, coordlist, tree, radius, box, edge, unitdist, z=[-np.inf, np.inf]
# Same as SphereQuotient bur for Slabs
diff = box[2, 2] / 2
distance = abs(np.array(maxima)[:, 2] * edge - diff)
mask = (
(distance > radius - 0.05)
& (distance < radius + 0.05)
& (np.array(maxima)[:, 2] > z[0])
& (np.array(maxima)[:, 2] < z[1])
maxima_masked = np.array(maxima)[mask]
coordlist = coordlist.reshape(-1, 3)
numOfNeigbour = tree.query_ball_point(maxima[0], unitdist, return_length=True)
d, neighbourlist = tree.query(maxima_masked, k=numOfNeigbour, workers=-1)
i = 0
average = 0
y = []
num = []
for neighbours in neighbourlist:
current = maxima_masked[i]
energy = -np.log(
matbin[current[0], current[1], current[2]]
/ matbin.flatten()[neighbours[1:]]
# Energy is ordered according to distance to the minimum
v, z = np.histogram(
d[i, 1:].flatten()[(energy < np.Inf) & (energy > -np.Inf)],
bins=unitdist * 2 - 2,
weights=energy[(energy < np.Inf) & (energy > -np.Inf)],
k, l = np.histogram(
d[i, 1:].flatten()[(energy < np.Inf) & (energy > -np.Inf)],
bins=unitdist * 2 - 2,
i += 1
quotient = np.sum(y, axis=0) / np.sum(num, axis=0)
if len(neighbourlist) == 0:
return np.arange(1, 40.5, 0.5), np.arange(1, 40, 0.5) * 0
return z * edge, quotient
def shortAllRadii(
traj, path, edge=0.05, radiusmin=0.05, radiusmax=2.05, z=[-np.inf, np.inf]
# Shorthand function cylindrical systems
matbin = fill_bins(traj, path, edge)
maxima = calculate_maxima(matbin)
coordinates = ListOfCoordinates(matbin)
tree = calculateTree(coordinates, box=matbin.shape)
bins = []
data = []
for radius in np.arange(radiusmin, radiusmax, 0.1):
b, d = SphereQuotient(
return bins, data
def shortAllRadiiSlab(
traj, path, edge=0.05, radiusmin=0.05, radiusmax=2.05, z=[-np.inf, np.inf]
# Shorthand function for Slab systems
matbin = fill_bins(traj, path, edge)
maxima = calculate_maxima(matbin)
coordinates = ListOfCoordinates(matbin)
tree = calculateTree(coordinates, box=matbin.shape)
bins = []
data = []
for radius in np.arange(radiusmin, radiusmax, 0.1):
c, d = SphereQuotientSlab(
return bins, data
def CalculateEnergyDifference(data, bins, temperature):
Calculates the energy difference between local energy minimum and the
minimum in the center
difference = []
i = 0
while i < len(data):
q = (
GetMinimum(data[0], bins[0])[1] - GetMinimum(data[i], bins[0])[1]
) * temperature
i += 1
return difference
def Chunksplit(list_a, chunk_size):
for i in range(0, len(list_a), chunk_size):
yield list_a[i : i + chunk_size]
def GetMinimum(data, bins):
# Fits a polynom of order 3 to determine the energy minimum and analytically
# calculates the minimum location
y = data[:10]
x = bins[1:11]
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(Pol3, x, y, maxfev=80000)
a, b = SolveQuadratic(3 * popt[0], 2 * popt[1], popt[2])
if 6 * popt[0] * a + 2 * popt[1] > 0:
if (np.real(a) < 0) or (np.real(a) > 0.3):
return np.real(a), np.average(y)
return np.real(a), np.real(Pol3(a, *popt))
if (np.real(b) < 0) or (np.real(b) > 0.3):
return np.real(b), np.average(y)
return np.real(b), np.real(Pol3(b, *popt))
def SolveQuadratic(a, b, c):
d = (b**2) - (4 * a * c)
sol1 = (-b - cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a)
sol2 = (-b + cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a)
return sol1, sol2
def Pol3(x, a, b, c, d):
return a * x**3 + b * x**2 + c * x + d