forked from IPKM/nmreval
merge cfunc -> main
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ AppDir:
# for /usr/bin/env
- coreutils
- dash
- zsync
- hicolor-icon-theme
# - coreutils
# - dash
# - zsync
# - hicolor-icon-theme
- libatlas3-base
- python3.9-minimal
- python3-numpy
@ -57,17 +57,24 @@ AppDir:
- libqt5test5
- libqt5xml5
- qtbase5-dev-tools
- qtchooser
- pyqt5-dev-tools
- libavahi-client3
- libavahi-common-data
- libavahi-common3
- libwacom2
- libwacom-common
after_bundle: |
echo "MONSTER SED FOLLOWING...(uncomment if needed for mpl-data)"
# sed -i s,\'/usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data\',"f\"\{os.environ.get\('APPDIR'\,'/'\)\}/usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data\"", ${TARGET_APPDIR}/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/matplotlib/
- usr/share/man
- usr/share/doc/*/README.*
- usr/share/doc/*/changelog.*
- usr/share/doc/*/NEWS.*
- usr/share/doc/*/TODO.}*
# if needed, apparently replaces hardcoded location with APPDIR location
# path_mappings:
# - /usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data:$APPDIR/usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data
version: "continuous"
PATH: '${APPDIR}/usr/bin:${PATH}'
@ -8,28 +8,34 @@ PYRCC = pyrcc5
RESOURCE_DIR = src/resources/_ui
#Directory for compiled resources
COMPILED_DIR = src/gui_qt/_py
PYQT_DIR = src/gui_qt/_py
#UI files to compile, uses every *.ui found in RESOURCE_DIR
UI_FILES = $(foreach dir, $(RESOURCE_DIR), $(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.ui)))
SVG_FILES = $(foreach dir, $(RCC_DIR), $(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.svg)))
PNG_FILES = $(SVG_FILES:%.svg=$(RCC_DIR)/%.png)
all : ui
CC = gcc
LDFLAGS = -shared
rcc: $(PNG_FILES)
C_DIR = src/nmreval/clib
all : ui compile
ui : $(PYQT_UI)
rcc : $(PNG_FILES)
# only one C file at the moment
compile : $(C_DIR)/integrate.c
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $(C_DIR)/ $<
$(PYUIC) $< -o $@
# replace import of ressource to correct path
# @sed -i s/images_rc/nmrevalqt.$(COMPILED_DIR).images_rc/g $@
# @sed -i /images_rc/d $@
$(RCC_DIR)/%.png : $(RCC_DIR)/%.svg
convert -background none $< $@
$(PYRCC) $(RCC_DIR)/images.qrc -o $(COMPILED_DIR)/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
/* integrands used in quadrature integration with scipy's LowLevelCallables */
#include <math.h>
const double KB = 8.617333262145179e-05;
/* FFHS functions */
double ffhsSD(double x, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double omega = c[0];
double tau = c[1];
double u = x*x;
double res = u*u * tau;
res /= 81. + 9.*u - 2.*u*u + u*u*u;
res /= u*u + omega*omega * tau*tau;
return res;
/* log-gaussian functions */
double logNormalDist(double tau, double tau0, double sigma) {
return exp(- pow((log(tau/tau0) / sigma), 2) / 2.) / sqrt(2*M_PI)/sigma;
double logGaussian_imag_high(double u, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double omega = c[0];
double tau = c[1];
double sigma = c[2];
double uu = exp(-u);
double dist = logNormalDist(1./uu, tau, sigma);
return dist * omega * uu / (pow(uu, 2) + pow(omega, 2));
double logGaussian_imag_low(double u, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double omega = c[0];
double tau = c[1];
double sigma = c[2];
double uu = exp(u);
double dist = logNormalDist(uu, tau, sigma);
return dist * omega * uu / (1. + pow(omega*uu, 2));
double logGaussian_real_high(double u, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double omega = c[0];
double tau = c[1];
double sigma = c[2];
double uu = exp(-2.*u);
double dist = logNormalDist(exp(uu), tau, sigma);
return dist * uu / (uu + pow(omega, 2));
double logGaussian_real_low(double u, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double omega = c[0];
double tau = c[1];
double sigma = c[2];
double uu = exp(u);
double dist = logNormalDist(uu, tau, sigma);
return dist / (1. + pow(omega*uu, 2));
double logGaussianCorrelation(double x, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double t = c[0];
double tau = c[1];
double sigma = c[2];
double uu = exp(x);
double dist = logNormalDist(uu, tau, sigma);
return dist * exp(-t/uu);
// functions for distribution of energy
double normalDist(double x, double x0, double sigma) {
return exp(- pow((x-x0) / sigma, 2) / 2.) / sqrt(2 * M_PI) / sigma;
double rate(double tau0, double ea, double t) {
return exp(-ea / t / KB) / tau0;
double energyDist_SD(double x, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double omega = c[0];
double tau0 = c[1];
double e_m = c[2];
double e_b = c[3];
double temp = c[4];
double r = rate(tau0, x, temp);
return r/(pow(r, 2) + pow(omega, 2)) * normalDist(x, e_m, e_b);
double energyDistSuscReal(double x, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double omega = c[0];
double tau0 = c[1];
double e_m = c[2];
double e_b = c[3];
double temp = c[4];
double r = rate(tau0, x, temp);
return 1 / (pow(r, 2) + pow(omega, 2)) * normalDist(x, e_m, e_b);
double energyDistSuscImag(double x, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double omega = c[0];
double tau0 = c[1];
double e_m = c[2];
double e_b = c[3];
double temp = c[4];
double r = rate(tau0, x, temp);
return omega * r / (pow(r, 2) + pow(omega, 2)) * normalDist(x, e_m, e_b);
double energyDistCorrelation(double x, void *user_data) {
double *c = (double *)user_data;
double t = c[0];
double tau0 = c[1];
double e_m = c[2];
double e_b = c[3];
double temp = c[4];
double r = rate(tau0, x, temp);
return normalDist(x, e_m, e_b) * exp(-t * r);
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Distribution(abc.ABC):
def susceptibility(omega, tau, *args):
def susceptibility(omega: ArrayLike, tau: ArrayLike, *args: Any):
@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
from itertools import product
from ctypes import c_double, cast, pointer, c_void_p
import numpy as np
from scipy import LowLevelCallable
from scipy.integrate import quad, simps as simpson
from .base import Distribution
from ..lib.utils import ArrayLike
from ..utils.constants import kB
from .helper import HAS_C_FUNCS, lib
# noinspection PyMethodOverriding
class EnergyBarriers(Distribution):
name = 'Energy barriers'
parameter = [r'\tau_{0}', r'E_{m}', r'\Delta E']
@ -23,24 +28,30 @@ class EnergyBarriers(Distribution):
return np.exp(-e_a / (kB * te)) / t0
def energydistribution(e_a, mu, sigma):
def energy_distribution(e_a, mu, sigma):
return np.exp(-0.5 * ((mu-e_a) / sigma) ** 2) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma)
def correlation(t, temperature, *args):
tau0, e_m, e_b = args
def integrand(e_a, ti, t0, mu, sigma, te):
# correlation time would go to inf for higher energies, so we use rate
return np.exp(-ti*EnergyBarriers.rate(t0, e_a, te)) * EnergyBarriers.energydistribution(e_a, mu, sigma)
def correlation(t: ArrayLike, temperature: ArrayLike, tau0: float, e_m: float, e_b: float) -> ArrayLike:
t = np.atleast_1d(t)
temperature = np.atleast_1d(temperature)
e_axis = np.linspace(max(0, e_m-50*e_b), e_m+50*e_b, num=5001)
ret_val = _integrate_c(lib.energyDistCorrelation, t, temperature, tau0, e_m, e_b)
ret_val = _integrate_py(_integrand_time, t, temperature, tau0, e_m, e_b)
ret_val = np.array([simpson(integrand(e_axis, o, tau0, e_m, e_b, tt), e_axis)
for o in t for tt in temperature])
return ret_val
def specdens(omega: ArrayLike, temperature: ArrayLike, tau0: float, e_m: float, e_b: float) -> ArrayLike:
omega = np.atleast_1d(omega)
temperature = np.atleast_1d(temperature)
ret_val = _integrate_c(lib.energyDist_SD, omega, temperature, tau0, e_m, e_b)
ret_val = _integrate_py(_integrand_sd, omega, temperature, tau0, e_m, e_b)
return ret_val
@ -51,70 +62,73 @@ class EnergyBarriers(Distribution):
omega = np.atleast_1d(omega)
temperature = np.atleast_1d(temperature)
e_axis = np.linspace(max(0, e_m-50*e_b), e_m+50*e_b, num=5001)
ret_val = []
for o, tt in product(omega, temperature):
ret_val.append(simpson(_integrand_freq_real(e_axis, o, tau0, e_m, e_b, tt), e_axis) -
1j * simpson(_integrand_freq_imag(e_axis, o, tau0, e_m, e_b, tt), e_axis))
return np.array(ret_val)
def specdens(omega, temperature, *args):
# in contrast to other spectral densities, it's omega and temperature
tau0, e_m, e_b = args
def integrand(e_a, w, t0, mu, sigma, t):
r = EnergyBarriers.rate(t0, e_a, t)
return r/(r**2 + w**2) * EnergyBarriers.energydistribution(e_a, mu, sigma)
omega = np.atleast_1d(omega)
temperature = np.atleast_1d(temperature)
e_axis = np.linspace(max(0, e_m-50*e_b), e_m+50*e_b, num=5001)
ret_val = np.array([simpson(integrand(e_axis, o, tau0, e_m, e_b, tt), e_axis)
for o in omega for tt in temperature])
ret_val = _integrate_c(lib.energyDistSuscReal, omega, temperature, tau0, e_m, e_b) + \
1j * _integrate_c(lib.energyDistSuscImag, omega, temperature, tau0, e_m, e_b)
ret_val = _integrate_py(_integrand_susc_real, omega, temperature, tau0, e_m, e_b) + \
1j * _integrate_py(_integrand_susc_imag, omega, temperature, tau0, e_m, e_b)
return ret_val
def mean(*args):
return args[1]*np.exp(args[2]/(kB*args[0]))
def mean(temperature, tau0, ea):
return tau0*np.exp(ea/(kB*temperature))
def logmean(*args):
return args[1] + args[2] / (kB * args[0])
def logmean(temperature, tau0, ea):
return tau0 + ea / (kB * temperature)
def max(*args):
return args[1] * np.exp(args[2] / (kB * args[0]))
def _integrate_process_imag(args):
# helper functions
def _integrate_c(func, omega: np.ndarray, temperature: np.ndarray, tau0: float, e_m: float, e_b: float) -> np.ndarray:
res = []
for o, t in product(omega, temperature):
c = (c_double * 5)(o, tau0, e_m, e_b, t)
user_data = cast(pointer(c), c_void_p)
area = quad(LowLevelCallable(func, user_data), 0, np.infty, epsabs=1e-13)[0]
ret_val = np.array(res).reshape(omega.shape[0], temperature.shape[0])
return ret_val.squeeze()
def _integrate_process_real(args):
omega_i, t, tau0, mu, sigma, temp_j = args
return quad(_integrand_freq_real(), 0, 10, args=(omega_i, t, tau0, mu, sigma, temp_j))[0]
def _integrate_py(func, axis, temp, tau0, e_m, e_b):
x = np.atleast_1d(axis)
temperature = np.atleast_1d(temp)
e_axis = np.linspace(max(0., e_m - 50*e_b), e_m + 50*e_b, num=5001)
ret_val = []
for o, tt in product(x, temperature):
ret_val.append(simpson(func(e_axis, o, tau0, e_m, e_b, tt), e_axis))
ret_val = np.array(ret_val).reshape(x.shape[0], temperature.shape[0])
return ret_val.squeeze()
def _integrate_process_time(args):
omega_i, t, tau0, mu, sigma, temp_j = args
return quad(_integrand_time, 0, 10, args=(omega_i, t, tau0, mu, sigma, temp_j))[0]
def _integrand_freq_real(u, omega, tau0, mu, sigma, temp):
# python integrands
def _integrand_sd(u, omega, tau0, mu, sigma, temp):
r = EnergyBarriers.rate(tau0, u, temp)
return 1 / (r**2 + omega**2) * EnergyBarriers.energydistribution(u, mu, sigma)
return r / (r**2 + omega**2) * EnergyBarriers.energy_distribution(u, mu, sigma)
def _integrand_freq_imag(u, omega, tau0, mu, sigma, temp):
def _integrand_susc_real(u, omega, tau0, mu, sigma, temp):
r = EnergyBarriers.rate(tau0, u, temp)
return 1 / (r**2 + omega**2) * EnergyBarriers.energy_distribution(u, mu, sigma)
def _integrand_susc_imag(u, omega, tau0, mu, sigma, temp):
rate = EnergyBarriers.rate(tau0, u, temp)
return omega * rate / (rate**2 + omega**2) * EnergyBarriers.energydistribution(u, mu, sigma)
return omega * rate / (rate**2 + omega**2) * EnergyBarriers.energy_distribution(u, mu, sigma)
def _integrand_time(u, t, tau0, mu, sigma, temp):
rate = EnergyBarriers.rate(tau0, u, temp)
return EnergyBarriers.energydistribution(u, mu, sigma) * np.exp(-t*rate)
return EnergyBarriers.energy_distribution(u, mu, sigma) * np.exp(-t*rate)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from pathlib import Path
from ctypes import CDLL, c_double, c_void_p
from ..lib.logger import logger
lib = None
lib = CDLL(str(Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'clib' / ''))
# FFHS integrand
lib.ffhsSD.restype = c_double
lib.ffhsSD.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
# Log-Gaussian integrands
lib.logGaussian_imag_high.restype = c_double
lib.logGaussian_imag_high.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
lib.logGaussian_imag_low.restype = c_double
lib.logGaussian_imag_low.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
lib.logGaussian_real_high.restype = c_double
lib.logGaussian_real_high.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
lib.logGaussian_real_low.restype = c_double
lib.logGaussian_real_low.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
lib.logGaussianCorrelation.restype = c_double
lib.logGaussianCorrelation.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
# integrands for distribution of energies
lib.energyDist_SD.restype = c_double
lib.energyDist_SD.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
lib.energyDistCorrelation.restype = c_double
lib.energyDistCorrelation.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
lib.energyDistSuscReal.restype = c_double
lib.energyDistSuscReal.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
lib.energyDistSuscImag.restype = c_double
lib.energyDistSuscImag.argtypes = (c_double, c_void_p)
||||'Use C functions')
except OSError:
||||'Use python functions')
@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
import ctypes
import numpy as np
from scipy import LowLevelCallable
from scipy.integrate import quad
from .helper import HAS_C_FUNCS, lib
from .base import Distribution
# Everything except spectral density is implemented in Python only because the only use case of FFHS is NMR
# field cycling measurements with T1 results
class FFHS(Distribution):
name = 'Intermolecular (FFHS)'
parameter = None
@ -24,7 +31,7 @@ class FFHS(Distribution):
return ret_val
def specdens(omega, tau0, *args):
def specdens_py(omega, tau0):
def integrand(u, o, tau0):
return u**4 * tau0 / (81 + 9*u**2 - 2*u**4 + u**6) / (u**4 + (o*tau0)**2)
# return FFHS.distribution(u, tau0) * u / (1+o**2 * u**2)
@ -33,6 +40,17 @@ class FFHS(Distribution):
return ret_val * 54 / np.pi
def specdens_c(omega, tau0):
res = []
for o in omega:
c = (ctypes.c_double * 2)(o, tau0)
user_data = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(c), ctypes.c_void_p)
func = LowLevelCallable(lib.ffhsSD, user_data)
res.append(quad(func, 0, np.infty)[0])
return np.array(res) * 54 / np.pi
def susceptibility(omega, tau0, *args):
def integrand_real(u, o, tau0):
@ -48,6 +66,9 @@ class FFHS(Distribution):
return ret_val
FFHS.specdens = FFHS.specdens_c if HAS_C_FUNCS else FFHS.specdens_py
# class Bessel(Distribution):
# name = 'Intermolecular (Bessel)'
# parameter = None
@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
import ctypes
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from itertools import product
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
from scipy import LowLevelCallable
from nmreval.lib.utils import ArrayLike
from scipy.integrate import simpson
@ -9,19 +14,21 @@ except ImportError:
from scipy.integrate import simps as simpson
from scipy.integrate import quad
from .base import Distribution
from nmreval.distributions.helper import HAS_C_FUNCS, lib
from nmreval.distributions.base import Distribution
__all__ = ['LogGaussian']
# noinspection PyMethodOverriding
class LogGaussian(Distribution):
name = 'Log-Gaussian'
parameter = [r'\sigma']
bounds = [(0, 10)]
def distribution(tau, tau0, sigma: float):
def distribution(tau: ArrayLike, tau0: ArrayLike, sigma: float) -> ArrayLike:
return np.exp(-0.5*(np.log(tau/tau0)/sigma)**2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/sigma
@ -29,54 +36,87 @@ class LogGaussian(Distribution):
_t = np.atleast_1d(t)
_tau = np.atleast_1d(tau0)
pool = Pool(processes=min(cpu_count(), 4))
integration_ranges = [(omega_i, tau_j, sigma) for (omega_i, tau_j) in product(_t, _tau)]
res = _integrate_correlation_c(_t, _tau, sigma)
res = _integration_parallel(_t, _tau, sigma, _integrate_process_time)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
res = np.array(, integration_ranges))
ret_val = res.reshape((_t.shape[0], _tau.shape[0]))
return ret_val.squeeze()
return res.squeeze()
def susceptibility(omega, tau0, sigma: float):
_omega = np.atleast_1d(omega)
_tau = np.atleast_1d(tau0)
pool = Pool(processes=min(cpu_count(), 4))
integration_ranges = [(omega_i, tau_j, sigma) for (omega_i, tau_j) in product(_omega, _tau)]
res_real = _integrate_susc_real_c(_omega, _tau, sigma)
res_imag = _integrate_susc_imag_c(_omega, _tau, sigma)
res_real = _integration_parallel(_omega, _tau, sigma, _integrate_process_imag)
res_imag = _integration_parallel(_omega, _tau, sigma, _integrate_process_real)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
res_real = np.array(, integration_ranges))
res_imag = np.array(, integration_ranges))
ret_val = (res_real+1j*res_imag).reshape((_omega.shape[0], _tau.shape[0]))
return ret_val.squeeze()
return (res_real + 1j * res_imag).squeeze()
def specdens(omega, tau0, sigma):
def specdens(omega: ArrayLike, tau: ArrayLike, sigma: float) -> np.ndarray:
_omega = np.atleast_1d(omega)
_tau = np.atleast_1d(tau0)
_tau = np.atleast_1d(tau)
pool = Pool(processes=min(cpu_count(), 4))
integration_ranges = [(omega_i, tau_j, sigma) for (omega_i, tau_j) in product(_omega, _tau)]
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
res = np.array(, integration_ranges))
ret_val = res.reshape((_omega.shape[0], _tau.shape[0]))
ret_val = _integrate_susc_imag_c(_omega, _tau, sigma)
ret_val = _integration_parallel(_omega, _tau, sigma, _integrate_process_imag)
ret_val /= _omega[:, None]
return ret_val.squeeze()
def mean(*args):
return args[0]*np.exp(args[1]**2 / 2)
def mean(tau, sigma):
return tau*np.exp(sigma**2 / 2)
def _integration_parallel(x: np.ndarray, tau: np.ndarray, sigma: float, func: Callable) -> np.ndarray:
pool = Pool(processes=min(cpu_count(), 4))
integration_ranges = [(x_i, tau_j, sigma) for (x_i, tau_j) in product(x, tau)]
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
res =, integration_ranges)
res = np.array(res).reshape((x.shape[0], tau.shape[0]))
return res
def _integrate_susc_imag_c(omega: np.ndarray, tau: np.ndarray, sigma: float) -> np.ndarray:
return _integrate_susc_c(lib.logGaussian_imag_low, lib.logGaussian_imag_high, omega, tau, sigma)
def _integrate_susc_real_c(omega: np.ndarray, tau: np.ndarray, sigma: float) -> np.ndarray:
return _integrate_susc_c(lib.logGaussian_real_low, lib.logGaussian_real_high, omega, tau, sigma)
def _integrate_susc_c(lowfunc, highfunc, omega, tau, sigma):
res = []
for o, t in product(omega, tau):
c = (ctypes.c_double * 3)(o, t, sigma)
user_data = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(c), ctypes.c_void_p)
area = quad(LowLevelCallable(highfunc, user_data), 0, np.infty, epsabs=1e-12, epsrel=1e-12)[0]
area += quad(LowLevelCallable(lowfunc, user_data), -np.infty, 0, epsabs=1e-12, epsrel=1e-12)[0]
res = np.asanyarray(res).reshape((omega.shape[0], tau.shape[0]))
return res
def _integrate_process_imag(args):
omega_i, tau_j, sigma = args
area = quad(_integrand_freq_imag_high, 0, 50, args=(omega_i, tau_j, sigma))[0]
area += quad(_integrand_freq_imag_low, -50, 0, args=(omega_i, tau_j, sigma))[0]
area = quad(_integrand_freq_imag_high, 0, 50, args=(omega_i, tau_j, sigma), epsabs=1e-12, epsrel=1e-12)[0]
area += quad(_integrand_freq_imag_low, -50, 0, args=(omega_i, tau_j, sigma), epsabs=1e-12, epsrel=1e-12)[0]
return area
@ -89,9 +129,25 @@ def _integrate_process_real(args):
return area
def _integrate_correlation_c(t, tau, sigma):
res = []
for t_i, tau_i in product(t, tau):
c = (ctypes.c_double * 3)(t_i, tau_i, sigma)
user_data = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(c), ctypes.c_void_p)
area = quad(LowLevelCallable(lib.logGaussianCorrelation, user_data), -np.infty, np.infty)[0]
res = np.asanyarray(res).reshape((t.shape[0], tau.shape[0]))
return res
def _integrate_process_time(args):
omega_i, tau_j, sigma = args
return quad(_integrand_time, -50, 50, args=(omega_i, tau_j, sigma))[0]
return quad(_integrand_time, -50, 50, args=(omega_i, tau_j, sigma), epsabs=1e-12, epsrel=1e-12)[0]
def _integrand_time(u, t, tau, sigma):
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import time
import warnings
from itertools import product
@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ import _compat_pickle
from pickle import *
from pickle import _Unframer, bytes_types, _Stop, _getattribute
from nmreval.lib.logger import logger
import bsddb3
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('bsdbb3 is not installed, reading legacy .nmr files is not possible.')
logger.warn('bsdbb3 is not installed, reading legacy .nmr files is not possible.')
HAS_BSDDB3 = False
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class EnergyFC(_AbstractFC):
name = 'Energy distribution'
params = ['C', 'T'] + EnergyBarriers.parameter
bounds = [(0, None), (0, None), (0, None), (0, None)]
ralax = Relaxation(distribution=EnergyBarriers)
relax = Relaxation(distribution=EnergyBarriers)
class _AbstractFCDipolar(_AbstractFC):
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from collections import OrderedDict
from ..utils.constants import gamma_full, hbar_joule, pi, gamma, mu0
__all__ = ['Quadrupolar', 'Czjzek', 'HeteroDipolar',
__all__ = ['Coupling', 'Quadrupolar', 'Czjzek', 'HeteroDipolar',
'HomoDipolar', 'Constant', 'CSA']
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