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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib
import numpy as N
from scipy import optimize as opt, optimize, odr
#from QDS import mini_func, multi_hn
from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor
__author__ = 'markusro'
def fit_anneal(x, y, p0, fixed):
bounds = [(0, 1e14), (0, 1)]
for i in xrange(len(p0[2:]) / 4):
bounds.append((1e-4, 1e12)) # delta_eps
bounds.append((1e-12, 1e3)) # tau
bounds.append((0.1, 1)) # a
bounds.append((0.1, 1)) # b
ret = opt.anneal(mini_func, p0,
args=(x, y),
lower=[b[0] for b in bounds],
upper=[b[1] for b in bounds],
#pmin, func_min, final_Temp, cooling_iters,accepted_tests, retval
#retval : int
#Flag indicating stopping condition::
# 0 : Points no longer changing
# 1 : Cooled to final temperature
# 2 : Maximum function evaluations
# 3 : Maximum cooling iterations reached
# 4 : Maximum accepted query locations reached
# 5 : Final point not the minimum amongst encountered points
print "Stop reason", ret
return ret[0]
def fit_lbfgsb(x, y, p0, fixed):
# TODO fixed parameters…
bounds = [(0, None), (0, 1)]
for i in xrange(len(p0[3:]) / 4):
bounds.append((1e-4, 1e12)) # delta_eps
bounds.append((1e-12, 1e3)) # tau
bounds.append((0.1, 1)) # a
bounds.append((0.1, 1)) # b
x, f_minvalue, info_dict = opt.fmin_l_bfgs_b(mini_func, p0,
args=(x, y),
if info_dict['warnflag'] != 0:
print info_dict["task"]
return x
def fit_odr(x, y, p0, fixed):
dat = odr.Data(x, y, 1.0 / y**2)
mod = odr.Model(multi_hn)
fit = odr.ODR(dat, mod, p0, ifixx=(0,), ifixb=fixed, maxit=2000)
return fit.output.beta
def hn(p, nu):
delta_eps, tau, a, b = p
om = 2 * N.pi * nu
Phi = N.arctan((om * tau) ** a * N.sin(N.pi * a / 2.) / (1. + (om * tau) ** a * N.cos(N.pi * a / 2.)))
e_loss = delta_eps * (1 + 2 * (om * tau) ** a * N.cos(N.pi * a / 2.) + (om * tau) ** (2. * a) ) ** (
-b / 2.) * N.sin(b * Phi)
e_stor = delta_eps * (1 + 2 * (om * tau) ** a * N.cos(N.pi * a / 2.) + (om * tau) ** (2. * a) ) ** (
-b / 2.) * N.cos(b * Phi)
return 2 * e_loss
def id_to_color(id):
colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
colors = [QColor(54,22,115),
return colors[id % len(colors)]
def mini_func(p, x, y):
res = y - multi_hn(p, x)
# apply weights
res /= 1 / y
return N.sqrt(N.dot(res, res))
def multi_hn(p, nu):
conductivity = p[1]
cond_beta = p[2]
om = 2 * N.pi * nu
e_loss = conductivity / om ** cond_beta
e_loss += p[0]
#for key, igroup in groupby(p[3:], lambda x: x//4):
for i in xrange(len(p[3:]) / 4):
delta_eps, tau, a, b = p[3 + i * 4:3 + (i + 1) * 4]
#delta_eps, tau, a, b = list(igroup)
#print delta_eps,tau,a,b
#a = 0.5 *(1 + N.tanh(a))
#b = 0.5 *(1 + N.tanh(b))
Phi = N.arctan((om * tau) ** a * N.sin(N.pi * a / 2.) / (1. + (om * tau) ** a * N.cos(N.pi * a / 2.)))
e_loss += 2 * delta_eps * (1 + 2 * (om * tau) ** a * N.cos(N.pi * a / 2.) + (om * tau) ** (2. * a) ) ** (
-b / 2.) * N.sin(b * Phi)
#e_stor = delta_eps * (1+ 2*(om*tau)**a * N.cos(N.pi*a/2.) + (om*tau)**(2.*a) )**(-b/2.)*N.cos(b*Phi)
return e_loss
def tau_peak(f, a, b):
tau = (N.sin(N.pi * a / 2. / (b + 1)) / N.sin(N.pi * a * b / 2. / (b + 1))) ** (1 / a)
tau /= 2 * N.pi * f
return tau
### define funcs here
class Functions:
def __init__(self):
self.list = {
def hn_cmplx(self, p, x):
om = 2*N.pi*x
hn = om*1j
eps,t,a,b = p
print p
hn = eps/(1-(1j*om*t)**a)**b
cplx = N.array([hn.real, hn.imag])
print cplx
return cplx
def cond_cmplx(self, p, x):
om = 2*N.pi*x
sgma = p[0]
cond = -sgma/(1j*om)
cplx = N.array([cond.real, cond.imag])
return cplx
def power_cmplx(self, p, x):
om = 2*N.pi*x
sgma,n = p
power = -sgma/(om*1j)**n
cplx = N.array([power.real, power.imag])
return cplx
def static_cmplx(self, p, x):
eps_inf = p[0]
static = N.ones( (2,x.size) )*eps_inf
static[:,1] *= 0 # set imag part zero
#cplx = N.array([static.real, static.imag])
return static
def get(self,name):
return self.list[name]
class FitFunctionCreator:
def __init__(self):
self.data = None
self.functions = Functions()
def fitfcn(self, p0, x, *funcs):
if x.ndim == 2:
self.data = N.zeros( x.shape )
self.data = N.zeros( (2,x.size) )
ndx = 0
for fn in funcs: # loop over functions and add the results up
f,num_p = self.functions.get(fn)
p = p0[ndx:ndx + num_p]
if x.ndim == 2:
x = x[0]
self.data += f(p, x) # fit functions take only 1-dim x
ndx += num_p
return self.data
def fit_odr_cmplx(x, y, p0, fixed, fcns):
f = FitFunctionCreator()
if x.ndim < 2:
x = N.resize(x, (2,x.size))
if N.iscomplexobj(y) and y.ndim == 1:
y = N.array([y.real, y.imag])
raise NotImplementedError,"need complex input for now"
dat = odr.Data(x, y, 1.0 / y**2)
mod = odr.Model(f.fitfcn, extra_args=fcns)
fit = odr.ODR(dat, mod, p0, ifixx=N.zeros(x.ndim), ifixb=fixed, maxit=5000)
return fit.output