also solves the problem for me :) is it a pake- / histogram-specific issue, or could it happen for normal functions as well?
I used the values which worked previously for A, delta, eta, Sigma_B and t_pulse. I also tried different values for A over several orders of magnitude, eta=0.0 and Sigma_B=1,0.1 and tried out both…
Automatic update to version with sigmoid function does not happen upon starting the auswerteprogram or looking for updates. My version (09 December 2024) "may already be up-to-date". Is it broken…
allow user to pass a regex to get a value from the label?
Maybe a developer's note would also do the trick. Could be a simple text field saying something like "perfomance increase", "fixed critical math error" or "UI changes".
To reproduce:
- during read in of the first set with RegEx "_TAU\dp?\d*[e-]{0,2}\d+s", mark any section of the RegEx, click OK
- cursor is not displayed upon single-clicking into the RegEx…
My misunderstanding then. But everything works as intended:
- If "skip next dialogue" is not checked, I can change the regular expression between sets. oddly, this I cannot
- If it…
Its not about the RegEx, but about being able to change it while multiple sets are queued for read-in.